credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud


New member
SPOILER ALERT! I am a moron !!!

A month ago I decided to move back to my home country from canada permanently and I came up with a brilliant!!!(sarcasm) plan which was using my credit card to gamble and after potentially making it double or triple pay the initial amount and take home a nice amount of money and make fresh start however things went south so fast and after 1 weeks hours of gambling I found my self lost all money in my chequing account ( 7-8 k) plus a 37 k on credit cards debt. I was gambling 14-15 hours a day 2-3 times I hit 35k but i got greddy and instead of cashing out i kept going eventually lost it all. I then start looking more money to get back the money i lost i had one last credit card which i never used however that credit card wont let me deposit any money into that online casino so I came up with another brilliant idea of buying a expensive product and sellling it and using that money to gamble and hopefully get what i lost . I know now it sounds soooo stupid but i was out of my mind constantly sweating and in self destruction mode. I ended up buying an expensive apple product which I couldnt sell it. I was completely 0 with 35k plus 5 k on last credit card debt totalling 40 k. Now I m outside of canada and I m trying to get a consumer proposal or bankruptcy but I m scared as my actions might be considered fraudulent. I can prove that I did actually lost all that money on gambling and I m planning to pay that 5 k credit card that i purchase expensive product as I dont want to be seen a fugitive trying to fraud the credit card company but I am completely broke with no job. If I can get a consumer proposal accepted I can have one of my parent to help me make that payment . We can comfortably pay 200-300 a month without any worry. The thing is I m really worried about collection agency following me in my new country potentially causing legal or financial trouble
@benjamin44 As a non-resident (you said you moved back to your home country), you can't get a consumer proposal.

And get a job.

Don't get your parents to pay for your stupidity.
@jjp297 I m planning to start a business with my parent here in my home country but scared cause that debt will catch me without even giving me chance to earn so I can pay back . If my parent find out that i lost that gambling its over for me not a chance to do any business . I just need some room and time to make those payments but even interests coming each month wont even give me a chance to pay it so if i can have a monthly payment plan without acquiring extra interest I will be really happy
@benjamin44 Your parents should know if you plan to go into business with them. Be honest and upfront. It would be much worse for your relationship for them to discover that you hid or lied about this debt after starting a business with you.

Phone your credit card companies and explain your situation. Don't just let it go to collections by ignoring it. Then get a job. There are plenty of jobs and most of them suck.

You've gone past the point of being selective as far as employment. Heavy manual laborers are always in demand - construction or landscaping companies always need grunts. Warehouses or delivery companies also need grunts. Fastfood or restaurants always need dishwashers/busboys/grunts. Look up temp agencies and take whatever they give you.

You can keep looking for better jobs after you start as a grunt. At the moment you are hemorrhaging money if you are unemployed. The only solution is to start making money today and paying down your debt.
@bewiserthantheserpent at the moment the only way for me to make money start a business (heavy labour construction ) with my father but the moment i tell him this debt and how i acquired it he will immediately cease any business plan with me which will result in me losing my last opportunity to make money here in my country
@benjamin44 I know it's tough and you think you are trapped but you will be ok. Take some time to think and go for a walk.

You have more options than you think. Debt is only money and your life will go on. $35k isn't insurmountable. What do your friends or neighbors do for work? Are there restaurants nearby? Local businesses?

If your father is interested in working with you and starting a business, then he cares about you. Perhaps you won't be partners from the start but ask him to hire you as an employee. I'm sure he's made mistakes in his life, and unfortunately you will have to live with your own for the moment.

Talk with an insolvency trustee. Your in a tough spot but it won't last forever. You'll be ok.
@jumbogeorge It probably has nothing to do with this last situation. It was from my parents and I sent it back to them. Plus my car I sold it and sent it back to my parents. only one of my parents aware of the situation and they dont have those funds
@benjamin44 I think you should work on your addiction.

I don’t even think you would be accepted for a consumer proposal as you have shown you have zero responsibility for your actions and commit levels of fraud to obtain cash

The fact that you have zero concept that the house has the advantage.

You probably don’t believe that but just look at your situation,

Are you ahead?

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