CRA call centre


New member
Hi, I’m not sure where to post this, but I’ve been trying to get a hold of CRA for 4 days now with 0 success. I start calling as soon a 9 am and it’s either 1+ hours waiting time or “agents busy, call later”. My CRA account is locked and on the web-site it ways I have to contact them. I’ve been trying to apply for the most recent CRB, which I urgently in need of, but can’t do it.

I’m pretty much wondering if someone else has the same issue.

Sorry if this is the wrong sub.
@sussi My wife was on hold for 2.5 hours for the exact same reason. It's the only way we are aware of.

Be prepared to answer lots of personal information questions. Have past years taxes ready to provide numbers. They almost wouldn't give it to her because we didn't have them on deck, but we found a paper based return from 2015 that they accepted.

Good luck
@angel0019 I onviously know nothing but that seems crazy considering if you're up date on your taxes they should have all your info no?

Edit: or is it just for verification of identity
@sussi I had this issue when trying to call from my cellphone and then tried from a land line and got through way faster. The guy on the other end said that something was up with their call service but not really sure if that was a one-off or not.
@sussi It could be because they just sent out a round of reassessments on 2019 returns that missed income and owe more tax, generating calls from the filers.

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