Corporate Bond Offering - SMC Global Power


Series H - 3 yrs

Series I - 5 yrs

Series J - 7 years

Indicative rates (subject to change):

Series H - 6.25%

Series I - 6.8%

Series J - 7.4%

Bond offer period only until Mar. 20

** PRs Aaa rating.

Just got the quote recently. You may check on your local banks if they offer the same.
@anditsnotmybirthday Rates are gross right? So net rates would more or less be:

Series H - 5.00%

Series I - 5.44%

Series J - 5.52%

Rates for the 5 year tenor is better than the recent RTB, but lower than the Robinsons bank 5-year TD rate.

There seems to be a couple of upcoming bond offerings. Metroband and Ayala Land would also be offering.

Rates seems to be quite good. I have investments though in the older SMCGP bonds so I would be passing on this one.

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