CoreLogic daily home value index: Prediction status update


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Prediction status check: how are we going toward a 50% drop in the
Core Logic Home Value
(5 capital city
aggregate) from its peak 2020 value by end of 2025?
  • Peak 2020 value (Dec 31 2020): 137
  • All-time high (May 07 2022): 176.66
  • Current value (Jul 07 2022): 174.05
→ Change from 2020 peak to now: +27.0%

→ Change from all-time high to now: -1.5%

→ Change from now for prediction to be correct:

⇒ Average monthly change since 2020 peak: +1.3%

⇒ Average monthly change since all-time high:

⇒ Average monthly change from now until end of 2025 for prediction to be
correct: -2.2%

I am a bot made by /@jesuslover07. Beep boop. I post at most once per week.
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the user who made the above prediction.
@ngallbass What I find most surprising are the numbers that came in this week.

Month on month building permits and home loans absolutely blew past expectations somehow. The value of home loans taken were up 2.1% on the month (vs a consensus of -2%) and building permits were up 9.9% vs a -1.8% consensus.
@jjddww There's quite a big lag on construction loans and permits.
Someone I know bought in March and is only now getting plans finalised, and the loan is approved until the final build contract is sorted.
@jjddww Building approvals, outside massive spikes like the HomeBuilder, bounce around month to month because of the ex-houses category. It's really volatile. Probably because a few big projects approved in a month can overwhelm everything else. Here it is, in all its glory:

ABS has now brought back the trend series, it's much more manageable:

Otherwise, you can look at quarterly totals or something like that.

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