Consolidating debt


New member
I'm trying to consolidate my debt, I've done the best I can up to this point by moving everything over to my line of credit to reduce interest payments & pay off as fast as possible. My interest rates are around 10% right now & I'm hoping the BOC lowers rates.

Is there a trusted loan company outside of the big banks to receive a lower interest rate on my loans?
@august99 Be careful about consolidation because they only do that because they’re very worried that you’re going to default on the entire loan and they want to get at least payment for something so I will be at the combine all your debt into one lower amount with lower interest and cut up your credit cards and some people say it’s worth some bankruptcy on your record but they just expect you to come back and keep paying the minimum payment and that’s what they want because that’s how they make money Do you walk out of them either Bank or whatever feeling good but consolidation firms are sharks you call one and ask for Weiss trust me they’re gonna be calling you like three times a day for a week by month and emailing you I’ve been no sit there and go over your stuff for free and sent you information but but it’s like they’re very pushy happen, but you look up on Google air. Yeah, very sketchy, but yeah but you can just go to another bank and get it open the credit card again and just get you another $5000 limit credit card from somewhere else but it is a relief but I think you did the right thing I think. Get a line of credit or credit card below interest in payoff the high interest in style. Something borrowed something an old married somebody to somebody else at a much lower rate I just say that’s probably what I would’ve did, but I mean I declare bankruptcy and consolidation, but my wife Did Consolidation Isreal and she is pretty good job good paying benefits. She was crying when she came out because she didn’t know that they cut up her credit card and gave her one for three bucks and they didn’t tell her that until after the signing I said, what do you think Consolidation Isreal, it’s it’s not free it’s just the banks and people you all money. Do you want something? And if you default on a large amount they don’t get anything at all so it’s a great incentive specially, if another good job which he did he did but I’m like why I was like why are you smiling? And I bet we told her in two minutes what’s happening, and yeah and she was so happy when she came home with a brand new car with your car was pretty new as begin with, but she just walked out of one bank in two weeks later went to my bank and got another credit card that I’d like a $10,000 limit on it so they didn’t teach her anything Yet because I don’t think they even knew that she had done the consolidation like it. Think this was the second if you get a chance. Banks companies both do that.

I tried to consolidate my loans a second time in the bank, literally threw me out, because I asked specifically deal with this guy and his business guys if so, nice things didn’t go well Student Loan‘s what not yeah but we talk like threw me out of the bank literally swearing at me I’m like wow that was different because when he consolidated the loan into a line of credit, he said it was $8000 on it which will get me through school Because I had to use that for actual rent and you know what that was 3000 on it like that’s a big difference so I just asked favour but no he claimed he was on the cross and doing gods work virtually. The wife got stuck with the cosign $10,000, oh well I just that’s what you get. Kept up minimum payments for like a year and a half two years after the divorce and she had a way out. She wouldn’t take it. She would have to borrow money from a relative that was more than willing to let her have it knowing full well she can pay her pay back like in good time but wouldn’t do it so when things did break down, we stop being friends after breaking up, you know eventually one day credit report said $10,000 of paid off in one payment so you take a risk with you know cosigners but if you’re not looking good or smell funny, you may even need cosigners for anything higher loan consolidation debt line of credit I got I did everything I could. I felt horrible but there’s nothing I can do I mean ran out of money couldn’t even pay rent or buy pencils from school, but don’t believe everything somebody’s with a smile says because you are you know I expected almost 10 grand on that line of credit and there’s 3000 that’s that’s not to what we discussed and that’s No I didn’t budget for that. Banks aren’t always upfront with consolidation either be careful because that’s probably one of the biggest things they make money off of when they give loans to people they are risky risky kind of risk assessment.

It’s all how they can combine get an loans from. I don’t know Walmart MasterCard to a Visa card to a line of credit to ask payday loan to Student Loan like I don’t know if they must be all buddy buddy cause they have to be all in on it and agree to it like you know is it involves them all or the bank could buy up that debt and use you as a cash cow hoping like I said you only make minimum payment And your customer for many many many many many years and I love it see you at the mark you’re the one getting fucked but it’s good and bad in a way because it could keep you in the house with heat in school or with medical stuff, but I don’t know not a taxidermist, but that’s my story
@august99 There is not. 10% is going to be your best bet, especially with how interest rate are right now. Next best bet is balance transfers with promotional low interest for 12 or 6 months on credit cards
@jahpickney I just looked into these today! Thanks for tipping me off about them - next step is making a plan to utilize these the best way possible. Took advantage of 3 going on right now. This is going to be a huge help until I receive a couple payouts!

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