[Connecticut] DOL won’t take my phone calls


New member
I’ve been out of work since March 23rd, and received my last paycheck over a month ago. I’ve been calling to check the status of my claim, because it is a CODE H, saying my funds are being held pending payout for some reason.

Every time I use the DOL line, I follow the steps to get to the called section I need to be at, and the call hangs up immediately after saying “stay on the line.”

I’d like to add, I’ve called 46 times Thursday, 41 times Friday, and so far I’ve called 16 times since this morning at 8. I don’t know what’s going on and it’s getting to the point where I could get get kicked out and need to liquidate personally possessions.

Any insight is appreciated.
@geru I've seen people on here post pictures of how they call hundreds of times a day. They call from opening till closing...for weeks until they reach someone.
@geru I’m in NY and I had to take the extra step and contact my Local Council Office. I suggest you contact your local Council/Congress office and speak to someone. After I did that I heard from a rep. from the DOL within a week. They called me only because I made that call.
@geru I emailed the treasurer and someone from his office just got back to me. I also sent an email to Susan.Fracasso@ct.gov and after getting a automated reply, she helped me too. Otherwise people from CT have been saying to call one of the American Job centers for help. Hope everything works out.
@hadassahbride Thank you. I contacted a few job centers and just sent her an email.

How long did it take for her to contact you? Did she contact you personally or did you follow one of the links or email the general DOL contact she sent?
@hadassahbride That’s awesome to hear. Thank you very much. I emailed the governor and senator and the senator called me back and left a voicemail.

According to coworkers in other Guitar Center’s in CT, they are also having this problem
@geru Important Reminder CARES act has expired, and states are expected to start enforcing work search requirements again. It is recommended you do the online career workshops here you get a certificate that they can verify. It's all done online and it usually takes me an hour or less to complete a workshop so it shouldn't be a problem doing some every week. Online Career Workshops count as valid work search activities

Keep a folder for each week with your work search log (also downloadable from that website) and your certificates and proof of any other work search activities you did for that week in case you're asked to show proof or are audited.

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