Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information


New member
So I’m one of two beneficiaries on my stepdads policy. The other is my estranged mother.
They contacted me to tell me I was on the policy and got me to fill out the forms with my bank details etc. this was over a month ago and I’ve heard nothing back. I have called and emailed several times since - my emails get ignored and my calls always go like this

Vitality: hi can we have the claim number and policy holders date of birth
Me: here’s the claim number but I don’t know his date of birth as we weren’t close (I last spoke to him when I was in my early 20s…I’m nearly 40 now)
V: well we can’t continue this call, bye

This is incredibly frustrating as obviously I will NEVER know his DOB as he’s dead and kind of hard to get hold of to ask.

So where do I stand? I’m legally entitled to the information about the claim I’m financially benefitting from but I still don’t even know if they got my forms because nobody will speak to me to tell me!

Any advice??
@dri You may be able to locate his DOB online by going to your state's vital records website or at the very least you can call them to request a birth certificate copy since this is considered public information.

You may also utilize 3rd party websites like to locate his DOB. These sites will charge you a nominal fee for the service (usually between $1 - $5).

Hope this helps you out! Good luck.
@dri You may want to contact your state’s insurance commisioner for assistance. Unless there’s unusual cirmcumstances, policy has to be paid within 30 days.

If you’re not in the US, contact your elected representative for guidance.
@dri It's pretty simple to research someone's DOB. Have you provided a copy of the death certificate? How did you complete the beneficiary form without some details.

There's been no written communication since the claim has been filed? Are you also certain you are a named beneficiary? How?

Lots of questions because there seem to be some relevant info missing from your post.
@sunnysky There’s nothing missing at all. They contacted me because I’m a beneficiary as is my mum like I said. She filled out all that stuff and they only needed my bank details and my address etc from my end
@dri Thanks for clarifying that your mom filed the claim. If you only need his date of birth to obtain information, that seems pretty easy to obtain.
@jeshurun1111 We don’t speak and I’m not willing to open up communication about it with her. I’ve sent a message to my cousin to see if she can find out for me

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