Commercial claim on massage therapist?


New member
I got a massage about 6 weeks ago and the therapist clamped down in my neck and hurt it. It still hurts and I'm starting to get really worried about it. It doesn't feel like a bruise, it feels more like what people describe as nerve damage. I had her stop and cut the message short from 1.5 hrs to 30 min. I spoke to the manager who insisted she was amazing. (No refund) I ended up speaking to the owner who was more concerned and upset with the way I described the massage session than the issue I had with the massage. When we spoke to him I got his permission to record the conversation. I discussed what happened but in the end I just let it go but now I'm worried and I think I need to see a doctor. I don't think anymore massage therapy will fix my issue.
How can I file a claim on this place if business?
@bluechap I think you are putting the cart before the horse. If you are injured and don't think you are going to get better doing what you do, you need to seek professional medical treatment.

You can ask them for their insurance information, depending on regulations they may or may not have to provide it. You may have a better chance of requesting their licensing number. If they don't provide you with their insurance company, you would be left with sending them a demand letter or suing them.

Get medical treatment that is needed. Understand this situation sucks and you haven't won the lottery, you are very unlikely to get a huge payday. If you win, don't expect much beyond reimbursement of the cost of your medical care plus a small amount for any pain.
@sdahasaqueation I didn't really know where to start, I initially thought that the injury had to be claimed on the owners policy and then wait for the claim to be approved.
I do pretty well financially and I don't think this would be a payday. Payment for pain and suffering didn't even cross my mind. Like anyone else I don't want to incur any medical expenses. Even though I have health insurance the deductibles and copay costs can add up quickly. I'll start by visiting my M.D. and go from there. Thanks you!

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