[Colorado] Was I wrongfully denied unemployment?


New member
Could someone tell me if my wages from job A should be used in my unemployment calculation? (Colorado)

Here’s the situation
- 5 months ago, I quit a job (A) to start a new one (B)
- recently, job B laid me off. Hence why I am filing for unemployment
- I was approved, and received 1 check based on my wages from both job A and B
- Then, i got a new determination that Job As wages don’t count since I quit that job (which I quit to immediately start job B)
- because the standard base period looks back 1+ quarters, job Bs wages also don’t amount to much (2 weeks wages, enough that my 1 pay check received has already used up all my eligible allowance)

Should my wages from job A be used to calculate my benefit? It seems really odd to me that the system is designed so that you can’t get unemployment if a new company lays you off.
@marylouise777 Colorado is one of only a few states where earnings from the new job don’t purge a disqualifying separation from a previous employer. In Coloraro, if you left the previous job for a disqualifying reason, the wage credits from that employer are cancelled out and if you don’t have enough wages in the standard or alternate base year from other employers where you had a qualifying separation, then you are SOL.

What was your start date at the new job?
Standard Base Year for a claim filed in 4Q23 is 7-1-22 to 6-30-23. Alternate Base Year would be 10-1-22 to 9-30-23.
@marylouise777 The title states you were wronged. I don't see it. Company A will not count towards earnings. I see another comment explaining the cut-off.

You will not get a different determination on that.

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