[COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

@lloydk Same thing happened to me! I got freaked out that it had something to do with my changing my legal name since I filed in 2020. Of course I'm back to FT M-F work, so it's impossible to reach anyone with the UI office for clarification. I don't know if I should appeal, or ignore, or if they are going to try to take the money back?

Thanks for posting, it gives me hope that this is some weird glitch.
@lloydk Exact same thing happened to me. It’s impossible to get a hold of anyone, as I’ve been trying for months for my bfs unemployment. I’m super like wtf about it. I want to file an appeal, but I’m seeking legal advice first.
@lloydk Have you found any resolution? I got a notice of overpayment December 27th. Going into the unemployment office tomorrow morning and hoping for any advice you may have.
@celticpiping I just received the following follow up email to the notice:

This email provides follow-up information regarding a Notice of Redetermination you received from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s Unemployment Insurance Division about a claim that was filed in 2020 (please see the “disallowed date” on page 2 of your determination letter):

You either received this notice because:

-You were a victim of identity theft (a claim was filed in your name) and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out that claim.

-You had a legitimate claim that was intercepted by fraudsters and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out that claim.

-You had a legitimate claim with a program integrity hold. That program integrity hold has now been resolved and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out your claim.

-A fraudster used your email address on a fraudulent claim they filed.

Note: If you already filed a new fraud report today on our website because you believed this email/notice was a hacking attempt, we will not proceed with a fraud investigation and there is no need to contact us. This was a legitimate email from our department.

What to do now:

-If you have previously reported this claim as fraudulent, there is no action for you to take at this time. This determination simply confirms that there was a fraud claim filed in your name.

-If you believe the notice you received was in error and your 2020 claim was legitimate, please read the information on your determination about appeals and proceed accordingly.
I feel really dumb, but I still don’t understand. I did have a legit claim and collected starting 3/2020 but stopped 11/2020. Does that mean since the dates don’t match the 3/2020-3/2021, I don’t have to do anything?
@sunnyjollie Please do! I have the same emails as the rest of you. I had a legitimate claim during COVID when I was furloughed. They gave me no information whatsoever on why I was flagged, or what I need to do to "prove my innocence". I got through to somebody on the phone after an hour on hold, but she was fucking useless. Told me to ignore it pretty much and that "I was the only one making a big deal out of it"..... So apparently my concern that I will need to pay back money or lose my right to ever receive unemployment ever again isn't warranted. Which is bullshit. What a joke... I took off a day from work to gather old emails and even texts to my parents when I told them I was furloughed.

They give you 20 days to appeal and when I try to appeal online, it doesnt give me the fucking option. It says I need to "view my determination" before I can submit an appeal, which I did probably 50 times today.

WHAT IS GOING ON?! I feel like i'm taking crazy pills.
@fendertl5 I finally slowed down and read through the follow up email and based on the following:

You either received this notice because:

You were a victim of identity theft (a claim was filed in your name) and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out that claim.

You had a legitimate claim that was intercepted by fraudsters and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out that claim.

You had a legitimate claim with a program integrity hold. That program integrity hold has now been resolved and we are required by law to send this redetermination, which closes out your claim.

A fraudster used your email address on a fraudulent claim they filed.

This makes it seem like there's nothing for you to do at this point as whatever issue they potentially had was resolved.

Everyone I know that received UI benefits during COVID received these messages so it seems like it's most likely not as scary as it the first letter made it seem.

IANAL and I'm not trying to say I'm 100% correct, but it seems this way from what I'm reading and seeing others post.
@fendertl5 I was also going to appeal but don't have the option online. It just says "view determination" but all it does is open the pdf. Thought I was taking crazy pills too so this makes me feel better.

CDLE seems confident that this exercise caught 99% scammers so my best guess is they disabled the appeal option online so that it's not as easy for scammers to appeal? Seems a little illegal but who knows....Or maybe just a glitch like all of this.
@celticpiping In the same boat as everyone here and sooo glad there's now a thread for it. I tried finding information when I first saw it and there was nothing but there being so many of us makes me hopeful this will all be sorted out and it's just some mass glitch.

That said, I was going to appeal as that email said to be safe but don't have an appeal button online. Anyone else?

Anyone who finds out info, please keep us posted!
@celticpiping I also received the non-monetary determination this morning. Same date range as the other commenter (3/15/2020 to 3/13/2021) and same issue type (program integrity).

My letter says “The agency has independent evidence and has determined that this claim was fraudulently filed as the SSN used for the claim filing was not owned by the party that filed this claim.”

So I’m not sure if someone else also attempted to file unemployment when I filed it?

It then goes on to say “The agency will take steps to ensure that victims of identity theft are not responsible for repaying any benefits fraudulently obtained in their names”

Really not sure what I need appeal in this situation.

@jayladarlene I got this very same letter today. Also had filed back during covid when I was furloughed and our management team said to try filing, got one check, then was determined to be ineligible because I made too much apparently. Never thought about it again until this letter came and freaked me out a bit. Plan on calling tomorrow.
@jayladarlene Same issue, same reasoning. The dates coincide when I was actually collecting unemployment due to being furloughed. It seems everyone I know who got UI at the same time has had the same thing happen. I'm hoping it's just another example of CDLE being incompetent as usual.

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