[COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years


New member
Hey all,

Woke up this morning to an email from CDLE saying that I’ve received a notification of non-monetary determination, and that I am subsequently ineligible.

However, I have not received benefits for more than 3.5 years. When I log in to the Unemployment Portal to view the determination, nothing opens. But it tells me I must open the determination to file an appeal.

Determination is ineligible, and status is listed as “re-determination.”

I plan on calling them today, but I’m hoping someone here may have answers that’ll save me from spending hours on the phone.

Thanks for the help!

Edit: Update

Seems like this is an anti-fraud thing from CDLE. The email I’ve gotten from CDLE says that if this was a legitimate use of unemployment funds, then I need to appeal the decision and let them know. Currently going through that and will updte thusly.
@celticpiping THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO. Call 303-318-9035, then press 2. This will put you on hold to speak to somebody in the Fraud Department. I was on hold for about an hour, but got through. Any other line will lead you to a rep that doesn't know what is going on. That's a waste of time.

Apparently this was somewhat how a computer mistake that sent a blast email. What a joke. They are taking names of people and keeping them on a list. They said to expect further communication in the next few weeks and that it should all be resolved. Again, what a joke. They won't admit their own mistake and are keeping people to wait in the dark and stress themselves out. I told them they need to be better at keeping us in the loop because this affected my last two days trying to get an answer, and I'm just glad I did, although it seems like the department as a whole is very confused.

I'm not a lawyer but after my conversation it seems that we can hold tight for now and wait for further communication. IDK if it's lack of funding or what but they need to get their shit together.

Wanted to share my experience with you guys so you can take a deep breathe.
@fendertl5 Just in case anyone still checks this thread like me, an update from my end:

Just called that number (selected option 2, option 1 redirected me to the bot, was on hold for ~30min), had to confirm my SSN, contact info, DOB and they put me on that list. He said no need to appeal or any other further action. He did say not to expect any kind of further communication or update unless they need anything else. So hopefully that's that. So everyone call that number!
@fendertl5 Yeah. I really would have liked to have something in writing confirming I’m good before the appeal deadline is up but since it seems to be a well-established mishap at this point it’s probably unlikely to cause any issues down the line.
@fendertl5 Does anyone know if I can call on behalf of my wife? She works in a doctors office and has zero opportunity to call and be put on forever hold. I work from home and can call but not sure if they will talk to me.
although it seems like the department as a whole is very confused.

They are. Seems this is probably a software developer (Deloitte) issue, since it went out to thousands of people. If it were a planned thing, the UI Employees would have been prepared for it. They weren't. I know some who work there and it was an "all hands on deck" day for phones on Friday.
@fendertl5 What time did you call? I’ve been trying since fri and cannot get an option for a live agent. It just rolls automatically to the phone bot and “if you need more help go online”
@lloydk I just called an hour ago and was on hold for ~30 minutes. You may not have selected the right combination of options if you didn't get to a queue. It was 2 and then 1 think?

And make sure it's this number, not the number on the letter: 303-318-9035
HALLELUJAH finally got in a que and connected w someone. Verified address, phone, SSN, which bank I used/direct deposit and time frame I collected - said nothing else needs to be done
@celticpiping Same thing happened to me yesterday. I'm posting to see if you make any progress. I'm currently on hold to "make a new claim" because there wasn't an option on their system to enquire about redeterminations. Just hoping I get a hold of someone. If I do, I'll post to let you know what they said. In all likelihood I'll be on hold for the next 4 hours and then the system will hang up on me.
@celticpiping Received the same this morning at 5:30am - non-monetary determination. I filed 3/2020 after being laid off and stopped collecting 11/2020 after getting a new job.

When I go to my old CDLE log in and find this correspondence it shows as expired inactive for claim status across the top. No employer is listed effect date 3/15/20 end date 3/13/21, determination ineligible. Issue type is program integrity.

When I review the determination it says ineligible due to fraudulent misrepresentation and no benefits will be paid. An application was submitted a claim w my name and address but incorrect SSN.

The “effect of determination” is my claim is disallowed effective 3/15/2020 to 3/13/2021

Is this saying the unemployment I received in 2020 is being determined as fraud and I have to pay it back? Also noticing a “overpayment” that is also listed as expired inactive - I wasn’t overpaid? What is happening that this is triggered years later??

Have tried their phone number multiple times and no agent is available only the automated bot - which explaining this to a robot…yea right

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