[Colorado] Being told if I request now I shut my claim down, but was told I had to or I’ll have a delay in payments?

@rosesandthorns I can only imagine how this has affected others, in times of uncertainty it helps to know you’re not alone and others are searching. I’m glad I could be of help :)
@lngrid So I tried, as instructed, this morning (despite it not being my regular day to file and like others on here it said "no weeks to claim". Im really hesitant to start a new claim as I still have benefits available. A few friends of mine were able to file today but it was their regular day to file anyways.
@awip Of course they won’t have problems lol, I don’t think CDLE thought this through all the way. I can just imagine some IT kickin back saying “They don’t pay me enough for this shit” lol

I tweeted CDLE, NBC news, and The Denver Post. Hopefully someone will follow up. Their phones are down and nobody is in office to e-mail.
@lngrid Thanks for doing that, not really much any of us can do besides call them tomorrow.. which Im sure is going to go great what with everyone calling them at once.
@emm Lol are those a thing? E-mailed the Colorado Sun and a few reporters who have been keeping up on this the past few days.
@emm /@emm, I have found an error in your comment:

“Serious, its [it's] through one”

I claim BootstheOne posted a solecism and ought to say “Serious, its [it's] through one” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

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@lngrid I’m in the same boat, this isn’t my week to claim and when I went to claim like the email said we need to it won’t let me. I called the CUBline too and it wouldn’t let me. I’m so sick of this unemployment shit not working correctly.

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