[Colorado] Being told if I request now I shut my claim down, but was told I had to or I’ll have a delay in payments?


New member
IMPORTANT UPDATE: CDLE has clarified that e-mail was for regular UI claimants.

It seems that the site has been updated to not send out that warning anymore, I was just able to submit without reaching the “shut down your claim” page showing up. Please visit https://cdle.colorado.gov/unemployment for the latest official response, and post below if you were able to file successfully without any errors.

In the interest of preserving the effects this has had on the public I will keep this main post un-edited except for any major updates. I apologize for the lack of formatting, as I am currently homeless and do not have access to a computer.


With the new MyUi+ launching we got an email telling us we have to request on 1/3/2021 and I’m not sure if the site just hasn’t updated yet or if this is what’s supposed to happen?

It’s saying that I’m requesting too early.

I tweeted Denver Post and the CDLE Twitter.

Let’s get their attention. As it is right now, their virtual assistant isn’t functioning properly and won’t let you set a callback as well.

I have also reached out to the Colorado Sun, KRDO, Canon City news, 9 News, and the Denver Problem Solvers. Will update with what I find out.

Update 2: When attempting a claim, I now get a “Somethings not right” page.

Update 3: it seems that this is affecting PUA claims as well. I would suggest you all wait until we get an official response before using the website as it doesn’t seem to be functioning properly at this time - 1:04 p.m

Update 4 @ 1:19 pm : the request payment page works again, still the same issue. Claiming I am requesting too early.

Update 5 @ 2:22 pm: the gazette posted some information regarding UI in general but nothing specific about our issue. https://gazette.com/dg-print/gap-in...cle_b7d01764-4d17-11eb-bdae-fbc8d15afc88.html

Update 6 @ 3:41 pm: I may have an opportunity to speak with a member of the press, if you have anything specific you’d like me to bring up or ask please DM me.

Update 7 @ 6:54 pm: “State officials said that only those who have not requested their last payment from Dec. 26 can file a claim — and they must do so by 6 p.m. on Tuesday — which extends the earlier deadline by six hours. People eligible for regular state unemployment should not be impacted.”

Thank you to No-royale4791 for posting the article with updates. They are aware of everyone’s issues. It seems that the e-mail was sent erroneously, do not request if it is not your scheduled date for now until we get an official response.


UPDATE 8, Day 2 (thank you to @matalicpebble)
The main CDLE site has updated with an alert in regards to the e-mail that was sent out. This contradicts what we were told by state officials as reported by the Colorado Sun, however, so I apologize if any suggestions I made may have caused any issues with delays. I will be speaking with the Fox31 Problem Solvers in Denver after they have looked into it alongside us. Below is the Alert:

ALERT | 1.4.2021 | 9:00 a.m.
To help prepare for our new benefits system, all REGULAR UI claimants were directed to request payment early on January 3rd (regardless of your scheduled payment request date). If you requested a payment on January 3rd and received a warning about early payment requests closing your claim please disregard. Please check the MyUI+ page for the latest information related to our upcoming launch.

Update 9 @ 3:57 p.m.

I have just received an e-mail from the CDLE after speaking with Shaul Turner from Fox31, stating

“On December 29, 2020, we notified all claimants receiving regular state unemployment benefits ONLY that they should request payment on January 3, regardless of their payment request date, as part of the transition to our new MyUI+ system.”

They go on to state that anyone else who had gotten the e-mail was likely due to past regular ui claims you may have had.

“The notice about requesting payment only applies to regular UI claimants. PUA/PEUC claimants do not need to take any action at this time”

(If any moderator could contact me so we could update the thread title to something more relevant or better formatted please?)

Update 10 @ 4:21pm
I didn’t get much time, but you can view my interview tonight at krdvo.com @ 10 pm.

Final update: I have received 1 week’s worth of unemployment this morning, it looks as though things are working as hey had claimed. I hope everyone else gets through ok. Now I need to figure out where my stimulus is...
@emm Also being told no weeks to claim. I also haven't received my last payment even though it was taken out of my balance, it's going on a week now. What the fuck.
@emm My payment was issued on 29th - Tuesday for request on the 27th, but saying unable to request until 10th, or can request now and will close claim... I may just wait till morning, I couldn’t dare put myself thru the anxiety and waiting of getting approved again
@emm My payment was issued the same day now that I think about it. Fucking sucks, need this money to pay rent, rent was due on Thursday...
@lngrid Mine has been cut off since SEB ran out at the end of November but I've still be requesting payment to keep the claim active because as far as I'm aware the new bill should reactive my claim to get /something/ despite having exhausted my previous benefits. I got the same email saying to request tonight, but it says there are no weeks available to claim for. I'm starting to worry. A lot.
@lngrid I submitted on myui for my regular UI. It said my claim would be discontinued but I’m assuming that’s just what it’s programmed to say. The email clearly says to file on cub line or myui “even if you’re not supposed to request until 1/10” so if I run into any issues I’ll be sure and print the email for the appeals officer.


Sunday, January 3: ALL claimants should request payment using MyUI Claimant or by phone (CUBline) between midnight on Sunday, January 3 but before 12 noon on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. This includes all active claimants — even those who wouldn’t normally request payment again until January 10.
@lngrid I am on exhausted PEUC benefits and my next request time was 1/10. I requested benefits regardless of the message that my claim would be shut down, because the email told us to request even if we were too early. I started a claim for my fiance about three weeks ago and it said he could request on 1/3, so I requested for him as well.
I'm fairly certain that if they're extending our benefits, they can keep our claims open during the transition. Might just be a technical difficulty, but I'm assuming the transition to the new site wont be the smoothest.

Anywho, I wish I could offer advice to those of you who cannot request at all. But for those of you in my situation, I will give you updates if you ask me for them. If you have any updates, share them here too. These are confusing times.

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