Cobrapost exposé finds DHFL promoters siphoned over ₹31,000 crore

@starryeyes You're right in saying that parties receive donations from many companies. However, what they're saying is that it's strange that:

a) These shell companies donated money and didn't disclose (or only partially disclosed) the donations on their balance sheets.

b) These cos made the donations despite having a weak balance sheet.
@annacola Are these public companies? If a company doesnt disclose it, could be numerous reasons such as they didnt want benefit, to over looking by accountant, they can also file revised balance sheets, its a companies matter. Are we looking at consolidated balance sheet or standalone?

Weak balance sheet can be a number of reasons. A company can be created just to donate to political party. Its not illegal by any means.

Im saying we should have the full picture before jumping to with conclusions.

Im saying multiple ratings agencies have retained A1+ ratings on DHFL

Here is CRISIL's rating:

edit - also hearing bjp did disclose the donation received, so if its not disclosed in DHFL's subsidiary company its their matter w.r.t the ROC/audit/tax man...
Im saying multiple ratings agencies have retained A1+ ratings on DHFL

That is under the assumtion that money was lent to homeowners and builders and they have a portfolio backed with real estate collaterals. If the allegation of unsecured loans to promoter linked entities is true, then ratings are meaningless.
@chantelle1989g Why did you go for RD/FB with NBFCs? Bank FDs are indured by DGGCI

Anyways be careful of these "exposes". Recently Sun Pharma was attacked the same way, the price crashed hard and then it turned out to be nothing. Next Zee group had some manipulation to crash the price

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