Claim question

We live in an apartment and our detached garage was robbed and thousands of dollars of items are missing including grand theft. Police couldn’t give us too many answers today.

Question is, will this be covered since it’s not in our actual apartment, but in the garage?
And 2: we are co renting this garage. One person pays the complex for the garage but we pay them half to store our items in there. Will they only get to claim or would we be able to as well? We are not on the lease for this garage.
@dialecticskeptic It's covered.*

(*: I don't know what insurance you have, I'm not insurance broker or adjuster or involved or employed in insurance industry whatsoever, I have no idea what's in your policy...but if it's your stuff and you have an active and valid renters insurance policy I would assume that it's covered from theft whether it's at your premises or not.)

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