Cigna Open Access Plus plan


New member
I have very good health insurance through a trade union, but am confused as to why I’m being charged a deductible for a routine physical.

I had my annual physical, with lab work. A few years ago, I tested positive for Chlamydia. I took doxycycline and didn’t get retested until a few weeks ago. Isn’t it routine to get STD retesting every 6 months anyway? Why would my claim be denied for checking to see if I still had chlamydia?

I also tested for gonorrhea, hep c, syphilis, HIV, and a urinalysis. Why would this cause my deductible to be reached? Any ideas? Thanks.

Any more info needed please ask!
@aba1612 Being tested for an STD isn't part of the free covered preventative services required of ACA compliant plans.

Those tests would be covered just like other medical procedures are - e.g. subject to whatever your deductible and co-insurance is for tests
@aba1612 It seems as if they were all covered and you met your deductible after some of the tests.

I have no idea what your prior insurance was like but most likely you thought they were "free" because you had maxed out your deductible just like for these series of tests.

In terms of a "free physical" or the ACA free preventative care visit, STD tests are not the "free" items that are required pursuit to the ACA

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