Cheapest car insurance W/ Full Coverage in Ohio


New member
Currently have a car loan out. That payment is $120 a month. While having a loan out, you need full coverage.

I have a speeding ticket and "failure to yield" from over a year ago and the CHEAPEST car insurance i can find is Progressive at $210.00. State Farm is $185.

What the actual fuck. Robbery.

Anyone have any ideas? Itd be greatly appreciated.
@sam_august_92 call local independent insurance agencies.

yes thoes tickets are surchargable for 5 or so years.

take an approved defensive driver course for a % deduction. thats about all you can do.

you do have gap insurance right
@zastaman I was always worried about those cheaper insurance companies but i will def give them a call.

How do you take drivers course for that deduction?

and no idea what gap insurance is.
@sam_august_92 gap insurance covers the difference between what your car is actually worth and what you owe in the event of a total loss.

independant insurance agencies are recomended because they offer several companies that dont sell directly to the public. its not the case of "cheaper" ... i mean it might be cheaper but its not sub par insurance.

call an agent to make sure ohio defensive driving course will give you a reduction in premium. says here that it does.

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