@resjudicata Around March and November every year (close to Black Friday), Kogan Mobile would have a 50% sales for all of their monthly prepaid plans.

For $165 (down from $330) you could get 15gb data per month and unlimited txts/calls. You won't be able to reply to some texts (those from 4 digits number) but I have been using it for 2 years now, no complaint.

They use Vodafone towers so the network has similar coverage.
@resjudicata When you say a fair bit of data, how much is that? I go through maybe 2-4gb a month on my phone but it only costs around $25 a month, or less. $17 pay as you go with One/Vodafone, topped up with their little $1-3 prepay deals each week or so.
@resjudicata Do you actually need mobile data?

Do you have wifi at home?

I refuse to pay for mobile data, I have unlimited at home (currently using 2degrees fibre broadband). If I really need data while I’m out, libraries, supermarkets and the warehouse have free wifi.
@resjudicata Why are you using so much data?

Go on a mobile plan for like $19 per month and stick to the data limit. Try use more wifi or set some apps to wifi only to reduce data consumption.

If you have a legit reason for needing so much data, for example, your job, then they need to pay for it
@resjudicata If you are a heavy data user maybe just bite the bullet and go with One nz. The unlimited plan puts a limit on the top end of your spend and then you can cancel your home internet and just hotspot your unlimited data mobile.
@resjudicata My republic is alg. I signed up to their mid range unlimited plan when it was 40$ per month. Currently $50 PM. It's unlimited internet locked in at 10mb download speed, which is fast enough for most things.

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