@edenspeak For beans I've found gumboot coffee quite good, reasonable compromise between taste/price.

$30.90 for 1kg and free shipping NZ wide

Seems they also do plunger/expresso grinds
@enidan I won a very nice coffee machine a couple of years ago that grinds its own beans, so I only really use beans and some pods (paper) I have left over when I run out. The Coffee Collective are probably the best for beans imo . They have a whole range of NZ roasted coffees, range of prices, although $30/kg is pretty hard to beat . Last time the day after my order came, I got a notification that more of my order was coming, to my surprise. They’d sent 2kg free beans just past their best before date. Lasted me for ages. Also buying even more local is good too, we have a coffee roaster in town and they have free local delivery. We also have Raglan Roast haven’t yet tried their prices though. And sometimes the really big bags are on sale at the supermarket, Hummingbird Nectar is probably my favourite supermarket one. Buying bulk is always good.
@edenspeak For plunger coffee at countdown/Woolworths there's some blue 200g vacuum packed bag for $4...

I have just started buying beans to grind myself, can't do instant really...I drink a litre of coffee when I wake up before I leave the house each morning...
@lt_ash Would 200g bag of beans ground at home yield more cups of coffee than a 200g bag of espresso grind? I used to grind beans but switched to espresso grind as I got lazy.
@namers A scoop of powder is the same as ½ cup of beans in my old german wall mounted grinder...they both laat the same amount of time for me, yield enough for a litre of coffee each morning
@namers No. Instant coffee recipe is around 3g of coffee or so per 200ml of water 1:60 ratio. A "traditional" pour over is 1:16 ratio (i usually brew 10g to 20g with a 1:13 to 1:18 ratio) Espresso is usually 18g for a double basket with a 1:2 ratio

A bag of 90g instant will make 30 cups of so
A bag of 200g grinded coarse for french press with a 1:16 ratio (will brew between 10 to 20 cups depending on user)
@lt_ash I was drinking this much coffee but started getting nauseous and shaky. Do you feel ok after all that caffeine? Do you drink it black?
@yozjif I drink it with milk, but got ADHD so ummm, yeah, has a different effect on me, usually drink another half litre (2 cups) over the day if I'm out and about)
@yozjif Same here, got ADHD, can't afford private diagnosis, WINZ won't finance it even though they're meant to and have admitted that there is no public availability, and that there is no availability publicly because I'm not acute enough...

It chills out the ADHD brain I think (if that makes sense).
@yozjif It does, I'm trying, went and saw my local MP who has written to the DHB/hospital on my behalf to see what's going on, and will go back and see WINZ to see if I can actually get help from them with a letter from my doc stating it will improve the quality of my life,

Apart from that there is this I stumbled upon...


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