Cell phone write off on taxes?

Hey y’all, so I’ve never claimed my phone on taxes but with the times we are in I could use the money, but I have a few questions

So I was a installation technician and the job required a working phone, I had to be logged into a app that tracked my driving, used maps to get to the sites (and sites were rarely the same, maybe twice per location if that) and I’d have to call the customer. We mostly worked within my cities metro region but often had to travel within my home province and the neighbouring province.

I’m just wondering what would be acceptable especially because I’m not in the mood for an audit.

I had a 100gb plan and I never had data left by the end of the month and if I wasn’t working I usually was at home with wifi

I know I can’t write off the monthly cost of the phone but what percent of the monthly phone plan is acceptable?

Also I’m no longer with that provider and didn’t receive paper bills so I’m also wondering if that complicates things or not.

Thanks in advance
@openedeyes_israel I have claimed 50 percent of my cell phone bill for the past 7 years. My boss contacts me through my phone while I am working, and I am on call. I use my phone for work purposes, while at work. I have filled out the paperwork in the past, never asked for it by CRA.

It is used for work purposes. It is a business expense. If you use it for work and are audited, then have your place of buisness fill out the paperwork. NBD.

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