CELH (rookie-ish Q)………….

Okay everyone take it semi easy on me.

Been wanting to invest in CELH for a while now but been sitting out this downturn. This is my semi for fun account, not my legit long term investments so I’m willing to get wonky. Obvi if you believe in company you’ll just buy shares even when declining. BUT say I believe CELH has good support around its 200 EMA on the daily($60 ish), do I sell puts with a price around 60? Semi green with it comes to options so I’m trying to learn. I’m willing to buy now at current price or be assigned at a lower price as well. I realize the risks of puts etc.


Btw 25 character count in title is buck wild
@hiplainsthrifter I’d prefer to get in sub $40 but not sure that’s gonna happen. I think it’s still too expensive for my taste but the growth is phenomenal and I drink at least 2-3 a week.
@alsett I'd love to get in at $40, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. With earnings coming up, I'm expecting $60-$70 pricing to be a thing of the past.
@hiplainsthrifter I don’t think it’s going much lower considering it’s back to the price before its last great earnings on Feb 28th. I’ve been invested for a while now and it seems to always do a similar dance, flirting with the previous high before next earnings. So I’ve been buying some flip shares at this price in preparation for May 8th earnings 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
@hiplainsthrifter Here in Europe this brand came and went with little noise. They tried to cater to women and "woke" people who hate regular drinks but that's a miniscule market and failed horribly.

Don't even see them in stores anymore and no one ever said they liked it. Their brand is more of a joke and a failed product then a brand with a cult following (like Monster). This stock will dump, even young Karen's are a fickle market

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