Cashback Cards — Option Available

@shane260 I recommend Metro's 'credit' card, which gives an initial bonus of 75€ (if you use invitation code) and 1% Cashback on all transactions for the first year (then 0.5% Cashback). For the invitation code you can write to me in private.

Interesting alternative for a card with high Cashback until the one from Trade Republic becomes available to everyone.

Found via the German site mydealz ( this card is aimed at the self-employed and companies on German territory, but as also reported on the forum anyone (private customer) can apply for it as they do not ask for any proof of the company. I opened it last week with an Italian identity document, indicating as my German address (it must be in Germany) that of an acquaintance. I was able to start using it straight away and received the initial bonus immediately after making three payments with the card, and the cashback also works like a charm.

The card is referred to as a credit card, as it advances the money you have in your account and debits it 1/2 days later via SEPA debit. It also has to be associated with a German bank account (I have it associated with my Italian N26 account) because it only lets you spend/advance amounts up to the total amount on your account at the time of payment. If you do not have an account with a German bank, there is also the possibility of using it this way (as prepaid) without an associated account by reloading the card via an IBAN they provide you with.

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