Hi guys. I’ll be having a case study interview/discussion next two weeks with a bank that I’ve applied for a management trainee role under corporate banking. Gratefully, I’ve passed the assessment and the first round interview with HR. The next upcoming case study interview/discussion will be conducted physically.

The thing about me is that I’m not good in discussion/presentation especially with some other potential candidates that I’ve not met before. I’m also not that good in presenting in front of audience especially for the Q&A part post presentation.

The topic of the case study will be pertaining to banks etc ‘How do you improve bank’s efficiency’ or perhaps ‘how do you make the unbanked have access to bank’. These are not the confirmed topics that will be discussed but as an assumption from me that the discussions will be on the basis about banks in general.

Anyone knows what are the current development of banks in general? What or where should I read about current developments of banks? Of course, at the same time I’ll also do my research too but would appreciate some insights from here as well.

Has anyone here experienced any case study interview/discussion before? I have experienced once with another bank that I applied before but it went bad. Now I’m super nervous and I’m scared that I will experienced the same thing again. Anyone could perhaps give me some encouragement on how to overcome this nervousness?

I’ve recently went on Linkedin and asked for some advice from someone who happened to be accepted for this management trainee role for previous year and they told me the case study discussion will not be easy.

Would really appreciate some enlightenment and encouragement from yall here as I just hope that I’ll ace for this upcoming case study interview/discussion.

Thank you so much! :)
@jesussavedme2017 Practice, practice, practice. When it comes to presentation, practice makes perfect. I would suggest doing your speech in front of a mirror, or recording a video of yourself and watching it over to see if you have any distracting habits. For me, I tend to move around a lot, so I keep in mind to stand firmly and not move unless necessary. Also, the more you practice, the more confident you'll be, and the nervousness will reduce too.
@jesussavedme2017 Hey, sorry might be a bit late but hopefully my experience in banks might help.
  • On working with other people, be nice and courteous, introduce yourself break the ice by being more relatable like asking what did you have for breakfast where are you from, helps break the wall.
  • For presenting to a crowd, if you find it hard focus on talking to one person with eye contact when presenting. It takes you away from many eyes looking at you.
  • On banks efficiency, well all big companies have processes that are limited to red tape or just not understood well enough to simplify. First key is to understand the business, process and regulation around a particular process, then you can take a judgement.
  • For the unbanked, the reason why banks stray from the unbanked is the exposure in risk. Is there an opportunity ? My view is yeah but you have to think in terms of risk and reward. Think like a business ( in this case understand how a bank makes money) and the answer will find you.
Best of luck :)

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