Career switch at 50lpa

@lazar You are crazy if you think IB is interesting. Finance is 99% sales. A snowflake like you would crumble. Try selling a detergent to your neighbourhood for a month and then figure how 'interesting' you find it. You are lucky you are in CS. Most finance Bros would kill to get into a dynamic field like that.
@lazar You talk to people who are at the top firms doing good work! Reddit is a place full of people who do jobs for money, you won't get a very good idea here. Go on LinkedIn, follow people in the field you feel exciting, connect and talk to them. It is much better in my opinion.
@lazar When you say 50+LPA do you refer to the CTC or the base that the company offers you, I also see a mention where you’ve had a chance to accept an offer that brings you to 1CR is that the base or the CTC

Also would you be kind enough to share the structure if CTC ?
@lazar I mean, by now it's clear that you're trying to find excitement in life at work. Or in other words, the excitement in life for you is in exploring intellectual stuff. I agree with your assessment that you could be bored again in 2-3 years. Infact I will guarantee you that you'll be bored in 5 years if not 2-3. How can I guarantee? Because I'm the exact same.
What I would recommend is, talking to people who've overcome to problem.
Trying to find the juice of life at work is just a miserable approach.
Now that you've figured out making money and living comfortably, it's time you really started figuring out what is it that will truly satisfy you.

P.s: I know I sound like some spiritual/philosophical guy, but it's true. If you don't really think about this, you will become insanely frustrated. I have been there so I know
@lazar Most of the comments you get are - either "help me to get such high paying job...." (or) "this is a fake post ... and no one earns this much....." (or) generic advice ....

I think you are better off asking for advice on blind app or reach out to people working in IB on Linkedin using premium.

If you want to do research - try ibm research or nvidia or samsung research roles. How about doing Mtech from IISC bglr ?

I think even if you work for 2 years or do mtech in iisc, the experience is very valuable as compared to doubting yourself.

I would suggest you to switch companies, work & prep for iisc bglr & then go mtech with research & have an option to come back to the new company - in case things don't pan out.
@lazar I'm working in an investment bank. Real investment bankers are not number crunchers. They are hardcore sales guys with people skills. We crunch numbers sitting in India. I don't think you'll be able to do sales with this background. You can try for quant roles, your experience will help there.

Don't leave your job. I'm earning same as you but with MBA+CFA, I was able to achieve it at the age of 33.

Try something out first, if it starts working out, then only leave job. If you need anything about investments, stock trading, you may DM me

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