Career switch at 50lpa

@lazar I have seen couple of managers who have switched from IB to Tech because they love challenges.

Yet to see anyone switching from IT to IB, and only role I can think of is Fund manager/Director.

My friend have engineering degree and IB profile experience but the work that he get is mostly IT.
@lazar Investment banking might pay well but it can be mind numbingly boring with an extremely punishing schedule. The only reason to switch is if you are young, hungry and want the money. At 28 making 50 LPA, starting from scratch in investment banking is not worth it, especially because you will need to get an MBA to go anywhere. You will be paying opportunity cost for years, and will have no time to enjoy your 30s.

Satisfaction and passion doesn't need to be from your job. Use your free time and money to travel, read, pick up hobbies, get fuckin jacked at the gym.
@lazar Why don’t you develop a side hustle?

Try building something of your own? Or help someone build something.

Learning the business side of things will be really rewarding and helpful

Dont. Quit.
@lazar AI is just getting on! If you can manage for another year you’ll be poached by another company at a 1 cr package easily.

And then I think you can really FIRE by the time you’re 35.
@paulclays I am already being offered from a lot of companies similar to what you suggest. I think I have realised is in corporates it’s mostly product building and not research as such. I know the condition will be same or even worse wherever I go as my current employer is kindof good company. Anyways I have found a lead in one of the comments. Thanks for your response.
@lazar Dude IB is horrendous. Cut throat competition and terrible wlb. You'll be working 12-14 hours a day. It'll fuck your mental and physical health. And you'll have no time outside of work.

If you want a career switch that's fine but don't go switch to careers like IB/Consulting. Most people in such careers themselves wish to switch to something else
@lazar I would suggest finding hobbies outside of work. Don’t make your life around work, instead of work related challenges try challenges wrt life - some examples are…. Be in the best health/Running marathon/ironman, read books( fiction or non fiction), visiting continents around the year, gardening, teaching/guidance to unprivileged in ngo etc.
@lazar Let me be saitan’s advocate. You are 28 and senior scientist when AI just came into picture or hyped in the last 2-3 years? That 50l is gross or stock?

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