Career in Finance


New member
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Desperate help regarding career in this field as I was forced by my parents to join finance as there’s a lot of money here. I have completed and about to complete ACCA and I have got a placement in Deloitte as external auditor. I have cross checked and found my role to be alright in accordance with deen, however many of my friends have decided to join finance as the pay in audit in future is comparatively very less. If I want to progress into this field and not opt for finance as it is 99% haram, I would still end doing a haram role when I ultimately switch to corporate, say I become A finance controller or director of finance, as loans have to be recommended and authorised by senior financial positions, whereby I cannot advocate a company for loan as it is haram, I thought of Financial Analyst or FP&A however these roles on their analysis recommend companies to take loans or not. After putting so much effort, time & money into my studies where I’m gonna finish my Chartered Accountancy course and soon plan for Masters after a few years of this job, I’m completely lost and I’m really afraid of what I should do in the future. Please help me with recommendations and ur advices (based on fatawas if they deem it to be halal)

Jazakum Khair!!!
@clomar You've answered your question yourself. Simply stay away from haram, I bet your skills can be used somewhere else. Just spend time contemplating and researching on how you can use your skills in another role/industry that will not involve riba.

Beat thing is to make dua, tahajjud, beg and cry to Allah.
@bragar That’s the thing, imagine studying hard and even for those CA qualifications and then working hard to land into big 4. I don’t really wanna end up getting paid less and a career with no growth after investing myself so much into it. I always wonder if Financial controller as a progress both to the salary and position will still be a halal paying job
@clomar You have bigger issues than the ones mentioned in your post. Based on the information provided you're setting yourself up for life full of frustration and regret.
@princesst1 I’m trying to find our a creative solution for this problem. Haven’t given up or feeling low in any case, I’m all set Alhamdulillah for the next 2-3 years with my job and studies, but I want recommendations for my long tern future from people who have experienced my situation
@clomar We need professionals like you who will develop Islamic Finance. Look at it as a sign/test from your and my Creator. The whole world is in Riba rn, and if people like you do not contribute to IF, we will drown more. Try to find something in Islamic Banks, Institutions.
@xteaspoon Did find up something halal in finance Alhamdulillah, not IF but finance in general, but IF is always there for me as a career cushioning move, but the thing is our muslim society in general is very unaware of how IF works and many think it’s haram and believe in some myths and misconceptions. Our ummah needs to support IF so that the industry grows even outside Muslim countries as the investors will see this as a growing tool. Our people need to stop taking loans and instead go for murabaha, stop leasing and go for ijara and go for sukuk instead of bonds. Our ummah needs to be educated on this by scholars and let people take the initiative

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