Car written off what now?


New member
So the car was written off and it was the other guy's fault. (Wiped out by a dump truck who "didn't know there was a car in the other lane") Our insurance company offered a lower than red book settlement and is also saying no more rental car after Friday.

How can I get a proper settlement?

There is no similar car in the province and buying a new car takes months. Am I stuck paying for my own rental until I can find/get another. It doesn't seem right that we suffer when it was the other guy's fault.
@praisehim71 First of all, you didn't read the stickied post at the top of this sub. At a bare minimum you should have included your province in your post details.

How can I get a proper settlement?

Show proof. Completed sales (not just listings as anyone can ask whatever they want) for the same year, make, model and trim with similar KMs in your area.

Also curious how you've accessed the red book value as, to my knowledge, that requires a significant annual subscription. Red Book is powered by CarFax, though, so are you simply using their online tool? That would give you a range. I just ran my '15 Corolla through and got a range of about $13,000 to $15,500. What's your range and how far off is the insurer?

It doesn't seem right that we suffer when it was the other guy's fault.

Again, this is why province is important but basically most of Canada operates under DCPD or no-fault model, so you're likely dealing with your own insurer for all of this and in many provinces they don't subrogate (go after the other party.) Once they've made an offer, provided you don't counter the offer, they've essentially made you whole and so they're really not obligated to extend the rental beyond a few days after the settlement.
@sovereignone I thought the Flair covered NS. Sorry

The red book number came from a friend with a dealership. In NS the RMV charges tax based on their value rather than the receipt unless you buy from a dealer.

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