Car storage fees w/ claim against other driver's insurance


New member
Hey all,

I have Traveler's on my car w/ liability and uninsured driver for an '06 Camry. I was rear-ended by driver 2 during bad weather. They have USAA. I'm confident my car is totaled. It's undrivable and only worth $1-3k.

I contacted my insurance. Traveler's sided with me and denied driver 2's claim. They told me to file a claim against driver 2's policy with USAA.

I contacted USAA and filed a claim against driver 2's insurance. It sounds like they are going to side with me, but they are still trying to get a statement from driver 2 to finalize liability. It's been almost 2 weeks.

My car is currently at the tow yard. It's going to cost about $800 to get out right now. Storage is $21 per day. I went to get my car out and they told me I needed to get USAA to pay for the tow out.

I can't tell if the tow yard is trying to hold onto my car for as long as possible to maximize their take or if I should just wait for insurance. It sounds like they are charging me for initial tow, even though I was in a TIM zone.

What do you recommend?

Thanks in advance.

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