Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

@pepper77 $520/ a month worth though plus what i already pay. What a complete scam. 8 years of paying tons of money and can’t even get in one accident without being unable to feed myself. Might as well be uninsured.
@sunshine158 they did their job of paying out your at fault claim. youre a greater liability and that price increase reflects what they believe it costs to keep insuring you. you got in an accident in a parking lot! youll most likely have to find an agent to find more favorable rates
@sunshine158 It isn’t a “scam.” Insurance premiums are based on the level of risk you pose the insurance carrier. You were found at-fault for an accident. You are now more of a risk. It won’t be forever, but there are consequences for negligence. Insurance policies aren’t a savings account.
@sunshine158 Your dad could have avoided this by getting the Gold or Platinum coverage. Gold includes one accident forgiveness every 3 years and platinum offers multiple accident forgiveness.

Have you seen the renewal and declaration pages to verify that increase? I've never seen a single car jump by so much on a multi car policy.
@sunshine158 Also, if he is charging you the difference for the entire policy because he is assuming the jump is from your accident he is wrong. The increase would most likely be seen on the specific vehicle and the rest is an inflation adjustment/rate change independent of the accident.
@dovesong i know how naive i sound but after never being in an accident and having a perfect driving record this was such a shock to me, life i guess. it’s such a huge difference. but i guess i am gonna have to get different insurance. My dad does all of our insurance and we just pay him. My insurance was $180 before this! Seems so crazy
@sunshine158 To be clear, you did have a good driving record. Having an at fault accident is a very big difference, and predictive of future loss, especially for someone under 30. You’re likely also seeing an increase that has nothing to do with your driving record. Nearly every carrier is losing money right now and trying to raise rates.
@sunshine158 But you’ve been in an accident now and it was an at fault accident. Record is no longer perfect. This more than likely will also take affect with new carriers as they’ll see it and be aware you’ve in an accident that’s at fault.
@dovesong Who did you find? I have an at -fault accident on my record now. I have State Farm and I know it will go up dramatically (the Internet told me) I’m trying to look for other options
@sunshine158 Do the other family members in your the policy with you have nicer cars than you? If so that’s why it may be extreme. You’re also covered on their cars so the risk is even greater.

Shop around for insurance yourself. It won’t be as cheap as it was before, but should be better than what it is now.
@sunshine158 So Allstate is rating you on those other nice cars as well. So your accident plus those brand new cars is definitely contributing to that major increase. I would shop around. You should be able to get it for less elsewhere. I wouldn’t quote Allstate on your own. Since they’re the ones that paid your claim, they may quote you higher.

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