Car insurance - person is ignoring me. What do I do now?


New member
Hello everyone !

This question is stupid as f**k but i have never been in this situation and I just need a little guidance on what I should do now.

To preface, I have a low value Honda Accord ($2200), but it only has 130,000 miles and I hope to use it as a commuter for the next several years. Within reason, I do not care about the aesthetics of this car. It has been hit twice in the Costco parking lot twice within the last 4 years but the damage has been fairly unnoticeable and since the people who hit my car stuck around I just told them there is no need to go through insurance and thanks for letting me know.

Anyways, about 5 weeks, I was parked outside my work and as I was leaving I noticed there was a note on my windshield and a decent sized hole (something a football could get through) just missing from my bumper. Like I said, I don't care about dings and scratches but a sizable hole IMO needs to get taken care of.

The note was from the person who hit me and just stated that she had something sticking out of her trunk and ripped part of my bumper off on accident. She left me her phone number and told me to contact her.

Well I did and after a few back and forth messages she just started ignoring me. After I didn't hear from her for 3 weeks I sent her one f'inal' message last Wednesday saying that I am going to need her insurance information or I will have to report this to the police. She proceeds to berate me about being rude (?) and saying she has covid and cant move but will happily send me her info when she feels better.

Well, its been about 5 days since that last message and I have still yet to hear from her. What exactly do I do now? Do I contact the police? Do I contact my insurance?

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