Car insurance, ON; seeking advice for GF 86 year old dad.


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My girlfriends father got into an accident around 2 years ago. He was making a left turn onto a major street from a side street and got t-boned. He was 84 at the time. He had no prior accidents or infractions on his record. Everything was/is up-to-date. My understanding was he is at fault.

The shared facts:

-His car was totalled. He had a bunch of injuries. Broken ribs, punctured lung, broken pelvis. He healed and somehow is more healthier now then he was before the accident. They don’t make them like they used too lol.

-the persons car that hit his car was damaged. There were three individuals in the vehicle. My GF and her brother where there (they were not in the vehicle during the accident, it was just there dad) at the time and spoke with the individuals and they all refused medical attention.

-he was charged and the charges were not fought. He was in the ICU at the time. About a year later, 2 out of the three are looking to sue for 1.2 million dollars. His insurance covers $1,000,000. They have $200,000 in savings.

-the agent dealing with the case is saying the lawyer representing the individuals is new and isn’t following ‘industry standard’.

-We don’t know if the third person will like to sue for damage’s.

I wanted to get peoples opinions on how likely will it be that the judge would award the individuals sueing above the insurance coverage over $1,000,000? Is there anything we should do to better prepare to make our case?
Thank you in advance.
@avocados4thewin My opinion - there are many claims that exceed 1 million in damages each year - most agencies in Alberta recommend a minimum of 2 million liability to protect yourself, your savings, home and future income.

Manitoba now makes personal auto clients carry 3 million min.

Across the country choosing to have less than 2 million liability is playing chicken with your savings - cases like this happen and it is unfortunate when a driver has to spend the rest of their life paying for not having sufficient coverage. Hopefully that won't be the case this time - happens though

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