car insurance claim denial?


New member
uninsured driver hit my parked car. stopped, talked w me for a bit then tried to dip when i mentioned calling the police. he said he has a warrant out for himself. i chased after til he gave up and he showed me baby products and said he has a newborn and he’s broke, no insurance. he gave me some cash and said he’d pay in installments. gave me his number which works and i took a pic of his plate. he said he’d send his license via text. i showed him the quote of everything needed to be repaired and he was down. now won’t respond after i asked for his license since he said he would send. will my insurance deny claim if i file now? i have full coverage for insured and uninsured collisions. i didn’t make a police report yet. collision was at a shopping plaza. don’t focus on why i agreed to do this with him. just wanna know the chances of claim denial.
@jazzino i do. I’m thinking bc i didn’t file a police report. i had the guy and was able to but i didn’t. i caught his plate tho n took a vid of me chasing the guy for a few seconds
@darw You can file.
They could possibly deny the claim depending on how long it's been.
Legally you have to at least do a mail on police report within 30 days or less in most states if someone is injured or the damage is 1000 bucks or not.
@bcs90 yeah it happened 16 days ago, $4k repair cost as per quote. will they deny it bc i tried to help out the guy by doing it cash?
@darw No you are fine.
Many people mistakenly try to settle out of pocket, so the carriers are used to this.
But sometimes they wait for a year or more to file and then the company can deny the claim.
There is no exclusion on a policy that says you can't settle a claim directly.
If you did give the other person money, hopefully you have a signed receipt and then the carrier will take that out of whatever settlement they give the other driver.
Many times people who want to settle out of pocket are scam artists.

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