Canadians might not be getting enough fruits and vegetables / Les Canadiens et Canadiennes ne consomment peut-être pas assez de fruits et de légumes.

@godschild0876 No but the only vegetables I’d classify as ‘cheap’ are bagged onions, potatoes, & carrots & if on sale. Otherwise they’re still gouging on prices. And what I notice is people just telling people to eat cheaper food rather than focusing on the fact that the grocery chain oligopolies are price gouging us & blaming it on “inflation” - classic focus on the individual instead of the larger societal issue.
@tinywonderland “Cheap” is subjective so I won’t bother arguing that point, but are you really surprised that people on a personal finance sub are advocating changing your buying habits in response to higher prices? I don’t necessarily disagree with you but if you want to rant about oligopolies rather than see practical suggestions for saving on produce, r/latestagecapitalism might serve you better.
@tinywonderland Where are cabbages $10? My local Walmart sells them for $2.14 per kilo. Granny Smith apples are $2.32 per kilo. If your apples have superficial scald (which Granny Smith is particularly susceptible to) it doesn’t make them inedible. If they look really unappealing you can peel and slice them.
@beefreetwo I shop No Frills & similar stores - western provinces. I know ON has cheaper options due to what I assume is higher population & less transport cost. I know because I’m on budget/ sale/ point FB sites that post the difference in prices.
@audreyl A few things I've noticed living here:
  • vegetables and fruits are considered "garnish". Well, they're not, and they're an important part of every diet. The actual recommended amount is significant but many consider a single fruit per day enough. Already in this thread there's discussion about how 5 portions are too many.
  • yes, vegetables and fruits can be expensive, but people put so little thought in what's in season. Maybe this is an education issue - I've noticed that most people don't even know when a given fruit or vegetable is in season (why does everybody think oranges are a summer fruit??), and that plays a huge factor in the price. Local fruits and vegetables are important to know too. Especially if you're on a budget, you need to rotate what you eat through the year.
  • this common belief that to eat vegetables you need to cook them to oblivion with a million spices to make them palatable, or need to learn complicated recipes... It's much simpler, folks.
  • salads that have 5x more dressing than actual salad lmao
@alisonhansford Not portions, times.
The wording is terrible, it implies that a normal person would eat 5 apples a day, in 5 separate sittings - even if that's not what is meant.

The real issue is combining fruits and vegetables into one category.

5 servings of vegetables is easy and normal, but 5 servings of fruit in a day without making a smoothie is crazy.
@audreyl There is always the possibility of picking wild berries. Or maybe don’t. In Ontario (GTA) I could harvest 10 lbs or more of mulberries each year and another 5 lbs of black raspberries. Since moving it’s now blackberries by the bushel - 56 lbs in 2023 alone and we even missed one week while company stayed over. Most berries go unpicked each year.