Canadians might not be getting enough fruits and vegetables / Les Canadiens et Canadiennes ne consomment peut-être pas assez de fruits et de légumes.

@audreyl Fruits and veggies are expensive depending on location, shipping costs probably has to do with it.

Making six figures and eating nothing but cabbage and carrots because they're locally sourced and reasonably priced was the norm for me for several years.
@audreyl Costco is honestly the only reason I can afford fruit or veggies these days. Sobeys and Superstore want $5+ for one damn serving. Get a whole tray for the same price at Costco.
@audreyl Healthy eating has become a privilege in this country.
I tried eating healthy for a month with no processed or junk food and home cooked meals with meat and vegetables. My grocery bill doubled for that month.
@audreyl Sorry too busy attempting to live on a disability pension, far under the poverty line to care at this point. The governments (provincial and federal) don't even think we're Canadians, let alone human. Food has become far too expensive while the grocery cartels continue to reap record profits.