Canadian family to Fiji


New member
Family of 4 (2 kids under 7) considering a job offer to move from Canada's west coast to Fiji. I have never done the international work before and am trying to figure out what income would make it worth it?

Any suggestions on acceptable pre tax income to have a middle class kind of life? Any tax considerations not commonly thought of? Any insights are much appreciated.
@tinygiraffe My rule of thumb is to search a property website for a housing situation you would like, and then ask for 3x that cost.

I hope you get some advice specific to Fiji. Travel costs might be a lot for that year if you find you need to leave more than once.
@tinygiraffe It may not apply in Fiji... but it's a starting point you can do something with. Good luck. I've never found a Fiji expat forum, but I hope you find one.

I imagine there is a population of Australians in Fiji.
@tinygiraffe Back in the 90s I was offered a teaching position at USP - spent a few days at my own cost in Suva checking out.
Did not take up the post as employer's medical insurance did not offer immediate air ambulance evacuation (at local doctor's call) to Australia / New Zealand to get emergency surgery in the event of a car accident or the children having a bad fracture requiring general anaesthetic from a playground fall.
This was too expensive to pay out of local salary.
Also was advised of two lifestyle implications 1) lock all security grilles after dark on house and leave Nothing outside that you want to keep. 2) do not drive out of city after dark- many cars on the roads with no lights.
Of course this was post the military coup causing many medical professionals to migrate overseas. You may find this not to be the case 30 years on.
If you are on a full traditional expat package from a multinational corporation. Then the above concerns should be fully addressed by your employer. E.g. boarding school fees and flights for kids back home and a house in a fenced compound with security.

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