Canada EI Employment Insurance - Possible Fines due to weekly reporting requirements and paycheck withheld every 2 weeks?


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Hello fellow Canadians:

Have any of you have receive a similar letter from Canadian government - EI Integrity Services, asking to payback EI overpayment amounts from about 3 years ago? Should one find a lawyer for this, and would it be worth it? Can anybody share experiences where they had succesfully appealed against the governement charges?

1) Back in November 2019 to January 2020, I had accepted another temporary seasonal unstable job from a Canadian Corporation to make ends meet. This was on-call job, wtih no fixed hours, so I had no idea what the hours will be prior to each day: between 1 to 6 hours of work per day.

2) This same corporation has withheld every single paychecks in arrears, bi-weekly: so every 2 weeks (14 days). The "PAY PERIOD" per paystub is 2 weeks before the "ISSUED"/"RECIEVED" DATE for every single paystub..

3) This same corporation sends the pay stub/statement bi-weekly through mail. So it is often delayed by another week. This corporation refuses to send any electronic paystubs for new temporary workers back in 2019.

4) I enter the paystub figures into Canada EI online report, using the "Net Pay" figure, when I have recieve the paystub in the mail. The website back in 2019 required reporting EVERY SINGLE WEEK, right before the end of each week: so I had to guess some of the numbers in between each bi-weekly reporting period, trying to average it out. The figure is locked on the website after entering, and will not allow me to change it afterwards.
It was also unclear whether to enter "NET" or "GROSS" income on the reporting website itself back in 2019.

(Edit: It seems like the reporting system requirement has changed between 2019 to recent years after 2023. As others mentioned about the 6 week period adjustment allowment, which I had not seen before on the website back in 2019)

5) I have not worked for this corporation before, I have no idea if this corporation was honorable, if I was even to actually going to have the money going into my bank account in electronic transfer, until the 2 weeks after each pay period.

EDIT: 6) Main point of contention: The suing letter from the government in May 2023 stated I should have reported the "ALLOCATED"/"PAY PERIOD" earnings pay period; and Not the "RECIEVED"/"ISSUE DATE" listed per end of each paystub, as in above point 2.
So the governemnt basically has blamed me for entering each income figures 2 weeks late, per each weekly reporting period. But this is unfair because every paystub is held 2 weeks in arrears.

7) I have no clear way to calculate the correct figure, 2 weeks ahead of time, due to non-fixed hours per day, and complex overtime bonus/taxes deductions/allowances figures, which varies depending on numbers of hours worked, per pay period.

8) I had honestly entered my net income of over $1200 net pay on the week starting Jan 18 2020, after I ahd recieve the paystub on Jan 18. The EI has completely stopped for me afterwards.

9) When this seasonal job ended, I have tried to apply for EI again in February 2020. The Canadian government website had refused my claim basically with the reason "insurable employment hours has been reset to 0". I feel this has also been unfair for me and my family.

The 2 Images of the threat letters I have received from Canada Government Integrity Services are below:

Sample paycheck held in arrears:

Note the "Issued/Recieved date" is about 2 weeks AFTER each "Allocated/Pay period".

Related sources:

"Based on the unemployment rate in your area, you'll need between 420 and 700 hours of insurable employment during the qualifying period to qualify for regular benefits."


"Violation type Value of overpayment Increase in number of hours you need to qualify for EI benefits*

Minor Less than $1000 25% more hours

Example: If you usually need 420 hours, you will now need 525 hours.

Serious Between $1000 and $4999 - 50% more hours

Example: If you usually need 420 hours, you will now need 630 hours. " ....etc.

C) - "
" If you earn money while receiving EI benefits, you can keep 50 cents of your benefits for every dollar you earn, up to 90% of your previous weekly earnings (roughly 4 and a half days of work). Above this cap, your EI benefits are deducted dollar-for-dollar.
You’re not eligible to receive EI benefits if you work a full week, regardless of the amount you earn. However, this won’t reduce the total number of weeks payable on your claim."


The other main point of the post is to highlight how complex and tricky the government EI department can possibly be; and how it needs to be revamped to make it easier for Canadians to file and report online easily and clearly, and to avoid any unreasonable clawbacks and payback demands from the government. Such as knowing exactly which figures to enter (eg. whether its Gross or Net income after deductions & overtime complications, from exactly which period). plus the ability edit previous entered figures without having to need long-delayed tephone calls, and ensure the EI department is reasonably fair. The EI department give us 3 or 6 weeks after each income report to change it, but they only give you notice of suing 1 year after the fact, and can continue to chase for penalities 3 years or more afterwards,
@dekta09 U tried to scam EI and got caught and are now giving vague excuses saying I didn’t know or whatever. Just pay what’s due coz you clearly got benefits you weren’t entitled to!
@resjudicata LOL, easy for you to make lazy accusations, without regarding any of the long list of evidences I have provided.

So, calling every over claimints as "scammers", automatically makes you the emperor of CanadaFinance reddit now?!?! What a selfish, lazy and dishonest community, if this were the case. Only "EI for me", "not for anybody else". Idiocracy is already true in this community!

Where is the vague excuses? Point it out specifically using facts and rationality, and stop being so lazy!
@dekta09 You don't have to fill out your cards at the start of every week before the week begins. Nor can I think of any jurisdiction where it is legal to withhold pay for two weeks from the cut off date.

If you're trying your story to see if it will fly... it won't.
@dekta09 Interesting. I don't do a lot with Canada labour standards - but it appears their standards do allow for two weeks. It shouldn't be more than that. And there is no way that Canada Post does not allow you to access your paycheque online.

Ultimately, though, you know how much you worked during the week and you know how much you make per hour. Even if you didn't see your paycheque this is information you can easily fill out.

I worked 20 hours this week and get paid $30 an hour... so I earned $600.00 It's an easy calculation
@mt67 The online system is a bit dated but functional. Not only could OP have accessed their pay stubs online, but there is an easily accessible scheduling calendar, which is updated every single day with the hours they worked that day. And even if all that somehow failed, presumably OP could do what people in other jobs do, which is manually keep track of hours worked.
@mt67 The problem is with the deductions, overtime and allowances figured into the calcuations: so it is not fixed per week.
Deductions can become more if one earns more per week. This corporation had strange rules about overtime payment I have no idea before hand, there is no way I can calculate it clearly, like 1.5X payment if under 4 hours of overtime per week, then 2X payment if over it, etc.

Plust the whole bi-weekly paystub means I have no clear way to divide it over the "per week" reporting requirement, I try to divide it by 2 instead to average it out.

I had tried to report using the "Net pay" figure, not the "gross pay" figure. Because it was not clear on the EI reporting website on which figure I should use, back in 2019.
@dekta09 Your deductions mean nothing. It is only your gross wages... hours worked times rate paid... that gets reported. You do not report your after tax money. There are millions of people in Canada... and they all manage.

Furthermore, you have three weeks from the last report card to report your income. So if at the end of two weeks, you report your earnings then the following two weeks plus a week for your mailed cheque to arrive will permit you the time to report your income.

The real truth is you were running short on money and decided not to declare all of your money. While it does look as though the first 4 reporting periods may have been honest errors - which EI will not penalize you for even though they will require repayment on - the last reporting periods most definitely were not honest errors... and they are what got you into trouble.
@mt67 Ok thanks for the response, I hope that for the benefits or all ordinary non-government Canadians going forward, that the EI reporting website has arleady made these improvements:
1) make CLEARLY on the EI reporting website to report the GROSS income, not the NET Income,
2) allow us to change or modify the gross up inside the EI reporting webste, up to 3 weeks after each entry it on the website.

Because this was not the case when I try to use the canada governemnt EI rerpoting website back in 2019. It was locked every time I entered it after every single week!

Also, I must refute your assusmption about me being dishonest the last reporting periods. Because after I had honestly entered my net income of over $1200 net pay on the week starting Jan 18 2020 (the last week after), and then the EI has stopped completely for me. I was laid off from the temp job near the end of Janurary.

I had entered $398 for the last 2 periods Jan 3 and 11 because of the delays in mail recieving my paystub, so I made estimation of the $796 based on my first paycheck reieve back in Decemeber, divide by 2. I did not really track my hours because it was very exhausting night shift work, it made my memory foggy. I have no idea if my supervisor is going to cheat on me on my actual work hours not, since the depot supervisor has also changed during the last period after Jan 11.

This is also very unfair to me and family because the government is chasing me for penalties 3 years after the facts. What a greedy, tricky, unreasonable, merciless, and ruthless purser, that the Canadian EI department is!
@dekta09 You worked enough to earn over 1300 a week and didn't notice that you worked more hours than you did in December? Really? You thought you worked only enough to earn less than 1/4 of what you actually earned? You didn't notice that more than $800 went into your bank account?


Nothing about your story makes sense.

It is not unfair. You took money you weren't entitled to and they want it back.
@dekta09 They aren't chasing you for penalties, they're chasing you for the overpayment you wrongfully collected.

It wasn't unfair when you had extra money.
@dekta09 This is totally normal. It’s called being paid at the end of the pay period that you worked. I’m not sure what your problem is with this. It’s not “withheld”.
@dekta09 You have 6 weeks to correct a wrong report- how hard did you try?
You can request reconsideration of the decision if you want.
Did you appeal in 2020?
If you want to waste money on a lawyer, go for it, you'll just add extra expenses to what you owe.
@montana1056 Sorry, I had no idea about the "6 week to correct a wrong report" feature within AI . Please do share this important knowledge with your fellow Canadians, and provide sources from the actual government website, if possible. There Seems to be a new feature, since the last time I tried to file EI.

I did not see it any where on the canada governement EI reporting website, back in .Nov 2019 to Jan 2020.

It only shows the weekly bars and figures I had to put in, by every single weekend. Then it was locked each time I complete it. I have no way to correct it on the website back then. And I had no idea back then the government of Canada will viciously pursure for fines 3 years down the line. Had I known earlier, I would have taken screenshots.

Just like how it was with the CERB / CRB / small businesses loans repayments in 2022/ 2023 , it was all over the news, the were tons of complaints and possible lawsits between the citizens and the governemtn
@montana1056 Wow, the phone call is actually really hard to do.
Imagine waiting on the phone "please stay on the line for the next repsentative", for 30 minutes streatching into hours, with elevator music continously playing in between. And then sometimes it just hangs up automatically, or somes the phone agent could keep saying
"is anybody there", then hangs up.

Can you imagine the fustration?
@dekta09 Better than having to pay back thousands, plus possibly getting a fine and having a violation for EI, increasing hours needed to be able to qualify for future benefits. But whatever, you do you.
Over the pandemic, I spent DAYS on hold to clear something up with EI. So yeah, I get the frustration, and then some.
@montana1056 Honest for now, I have not gotten an official fine or court notice. If my penalty is just "increased hours needed for any future benefits", then that is fine with me.
I have completely lost my faith regarding the goodwilll of the Canadian EI department, ruthlessly chasing me for penalties and fines 3 years after the facts. I do not plan on claiming any EI anytime soon.

And if I do actually get a fine or court notice over this from the government in the future, then I think I need to update this thread afterwards, and let more Canadians know the truth how ruthless the Canadian EI department can be.

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