Can you work for progressive insurance and still make claims against them?


New member
If you get a job as a claim adjuster or whatever position, at this company and you get rear ended ins car accident (you’re not at fault). Is there any part of your offer or your contract that says you can’t do it, or would they fire you over a big claim you make against them?
@iriec83 You can’t be involved in the internal discussion of the claim, but you can definitely pursue their insured for your damages and expect them to be paid. Your job should be safe, at least as far as this goes, unless you do something stupid like using your internal credentials to access the claim file.
@davelew86 This. The claims adjuster likely wouldn’t know you work for Progressive unless you volunteer that. The company will make sure the claim doesn’t go to anyone in your team or area.
@iriec83 One of my adjusters got into an accident with one of our insureds and we just had a different claims team handle it. Probably best case scenario because whoever the adjuster is is technically your co worker and wants to make sure the claim is handled properly. It is encouraged if you have FPC to let your insurance handle it and let them subrogate, but everyone’s situation is different.
@iriec83 I have Progressive for home and auto, and have a home claim and an auto claim within the past 12 months. Both were handled professionally without issue.

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