Can someone help me calculate how much money I’ll have next year from military pay?


New member
Ok so, im in the national guard and I’ll be gone for 200 days and if i decide to do my 6 months orders after i come back from basic it’ll bump up to 380 days. I’d be earning at the E-2 active duty rate which is $2,261.10 total per month. I also might receive BHA which is an additional ≈$800 a month and I’d be contributing 10% of every check pretax. State taxes are irrelevant, but federal income tax is.
@matthewvag Consider switching your TSP from Traditional to Roth. Being in the lowest tax bracket you would rather pay taxes now and then withdrawal the gains tax free later.
@matthewvag Assuming you're single...

You'd make about $27,000 in taxable income (basic pay). With the standard deduction, you're only paying federal taxes on about $12,500 at 12% (~$1500).

You'd also make about $11,700 in non-taxable income (BAH and BAS).

Your annual gross is $38,700 and post-tax is $37,200. Roughly monthly gross $3225.

No offense, but it would be kind of dumb to contribute pre-tax to TSP. At your pay grade, you should be all post-tax (Roth). That would be $323/mo.

If you do that, your take home (depending on how you set up withholdings) will be slightly less than $2700.

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