Can I post a big F You to the idiots who keep EBT customers waiting 1.5 hours on phone?


New member
Like, why the fuck can’t they staff more people in those industries? Why is it that on Facebook or Twitter you can get help, assistance, bells and whistles, and what not when these are frivolous and unnecessary entities, but necessary things like food stamps and unemployment bureaus are understaffed and have shitty phone lines and service?

My diabetic, confused 68 yr father is at his wits end waiting for the fuckers to answer and has missed his pill as a result.

Fuck this country (I am in USA).
@oldcarnutfred You realize you're comparing state agencies to private companies (and billionaire-owned ones at that)? Nobody who works at those agencies wants you to be waiting 1.5 hrs on the phone. They know you're mad, and then you're likely to treat them poorly. But state agency budgets are at the mercy of the governor and legislature. Give your reps a call.
@dox When did I say I blamed the people working there? I do blame the higher ups. And I’m not going to “give someone a call“. They don’t listen. They don’t care. Only protest and riots work apparently.
@gianghomobile It’s not “getting what I want“. It’s “getting what we need to survive“. And the other ways do not work. They just simply don’t. I am a history major, I can tell you, people do not willingly share power. We are not in a society in which asking nicely works, any more than an abuse victim is in a relationship where she can ask her abuser to stop abusing her.
@oldcarnutfred Well you stated that the people keeping those on hold were "idiots" and then referred to them as "fuckers". So unless the "higher ups" are the one's answering the phones you directly blamed the people working there.

Whether you meant to or not is another discussion, but your word choice provides the evidence of blame.
@oldcarnutfred Because one is an understaffed, under budgeted government entity that operates on a state level at the whim of whomever is in charge at that time and working on ancient systems and within very strict laws that they must follow.

The other is a private entity that makes money off of you and if you bitch, has people dedicated to listening and resolving and far less legal rules they have to follow.

You are comparing apples to oranges and in your frustration.
@dawn4ever64 I was on hold for 45 minutes the other day with vital statistics for Alberta and I remarked to a friend how crazy different being on hold was for Alberta/Canada vs the US. Both have Muzak, but the US wait messages are just "all our people are busy right now. Hold on the live till the next customer service rep is free".

But Alberta, aggressively apologized. "We are extremely sorry that you have to wait on the line to speak to us. Your issue is important to us but so is the person in line ahead of you. The moment we are done taking care of their concerns, we will connect you with someone. Thank you so much for your patience, we appreciate it".

It was, quite honestly, refreshing and I didn't mind waiting. Because they were right. The people who called in before me were just as important as me and had the right to be served before me and I could wait.

I miss that. The kindness.
@resjudicata I don’t know why everybody down voted my comment, because it’s true, and it’s harmless. I was just listing other things that were also bad about the society, because I think they are all connected
@oldcarnutfred Well racism does lead to economic inequalities. But economic inequalities affect everyone of all races, and is also the major factor causing your problem with social services. So what you’ve added is essentially superfluous.
@oldcarnutfred You’re narrowing down a complex issue to single unrelated buzzwords in order to gain favor and correctness. It’s a common tactic to try and win arguments with less than stellar evidence or correlation. It also often doesn’t judge information in an unbiased way, it applies judgement in whichever way wins the argument. Basically the argument was: that the poor face inequality, and your your follow up was: racism and sexism too!... it doesn’t fit.

As for your other comments. Peaceful protesting I’m on board with; riots, property destruction, and harm unto others is not an answer to your solution. To say it’s the only thing that works is a shameful tribute to some of the most prominent people who have fought for equality, despite adversity, through work in their respective fields.

People seem to forget:
“In spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.” -MLK