Can I move into an airbnb covered by renters insurance while they fix my unlivable housing situation?

Hi -

Last night the sewage pipes under the house I rent in Detroit collapsed. Leaving sewage no where to go other than my rental. I had to move all of my belongings into my car and don't know where to go. (I guess you really CAN have sh*t in Detroit.)

I have renters insurance, and am trying to figure out if its possible that it would cover my stay in an airbnb or hotel until they can fix the issue... that is if the issue even can be fixed haha.

I am a student at a local college in Detroit, and have finals, in person classes, and a small budget.

I don't know who I need to call to make this happen...

on top of it all my school does not provide emergency housing (even though I pay 40k a year... thanks a lot.... guess they are cool with students living out of their cars... you're welcome for your pay check by the way.)

Anyone know what I should do???

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