Can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France?


New member
I wonder the following: can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France? does not indicate any condition on the location of the property, but mentions:

If you are looking to buy a home in France - or refurbish a property - then you might consider either the PEL (Plan épargne logement) or CEL (Plan épargne logement).

so I am confused on whether a PEL can be used to purchase a property located outside France.

From with Google Translate:

PEL opened before March 1, 2011**:

The home savings loan can be used to carry out one of the following operations:

  • Purchase of the main residence (new or old)
  • Construction of the main residence (purchase of land and construction work)
  • Extension, repair or improvement work on the main residence (raising, energy saving, facade renovation of a condominium building, etc.)
  • Acquisition or subscription of shares in SCPI (real estate investment companies) for residential purposes
  • Construction or acquisition of a second home (new)
  • Renovation or extension of a second home
  • Acquisition of a leisure or tourist residence

Original text:

PEL ouvert avant le 1er mars 2011** :

Le prêt épargne logement peut servir à réaliser l'une des opérations suivantes :

  • Achat de la résidence principale (dans le neuf ou dans l'ancien)
  • Construction de la résidence principale (achat du terrain et travaux de construction)
  • Travaux d'extension, de réparation, ou d'amélioration de la résidence principale (surélévation, économie d'énergie, ravalement de façade d'un immeuble en copropriété...)
  • Acquisition ou la souscription de parts de SCPI (Sociétés civiles de placement immobilier) à vocation d'habitation
  • Construction ou acquisition d’une résidence secondaire (dans le neuf)
  • Rénovation ou extension d’une résidence secondaire
  • Acquisition d’une résidence de loisirs ou de tourisme
@anushagupta No idea. Maybe just ask your bank if it’s possible. If you get a negative answer keep asking until you hopefully get a positive response. It’s basically a savings account with higher interest rates, or is it also linked to a mortgage? Am sure a French mortgage could only be used to buy French property.

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