[California] Verified and Paid in 2 days! Used the ID.Me link even though I already used Docusign.


New member

I can officially confirm this link that has been floating around the subreddit the past couple of days is legit.

I originally submitted my ID with Docusign on 1/4 and countless EDD representatives told me it would take weeks to months to be verified until I stumbled upon the ID.Me link 2 days ago.

I just got the notification that I have been paid for all my weeks that were pending. ID.Me is really easy. You just need your ID and you take a facescan (all on your phone).

You get verified in minutes. Then they send your info to Edd.

Godspeed guys. Hope you guys all get paid soon!
@nickgrundy The link works I waited about 6 weeks on pending mailed faxed and contacted local assemblyman nothing worked. I used the link as a last resort for verification over the weekend. Yesterday everything changed from pending to paid. Also Side not if you have that option that popped up open a new claim, don’t panic just contact EDD and they can fix it with a click of a button. Best time for me to call was usually right at 8 and best days for me to reach them were Wednesday and Thursday
@nickgrundy I just did it right now .. After i did the video selfie it said EDD HAS VERIFIED YOUR IDENTITY DOES THAT MEAN IM GOOD AS IN IM VERIFIED ...SORRY IM JUST IN NEED OF MONEY
@candimarie just to clarify, was the email saying EDD says ur verified or was it only ID.me so far that said you’re verified? cuz i verified with the link and i got an email from ID.me saying i’m verified
@nickgrundy ahh i’m hoping this works for me! i think my docusign documents weren’t approved because today all my payments went from “pending” to “disqualified” but i used the ID.me link earlier and my ID was verified so I’m praying it fixes my issue!!
@nickgrundy Thank you same here. Were you able to certify for the next weeks after that? Mine balance is at 0 and I have the max benefits message and cannot certify. My benefit year though is extended to 04/10 Are we now waiting for the 11 week extension to be applied?
@nickgrundy Wish me luck! The verify Id link on the UI homepage didn’t work for me because EDD only have my middle initial on file for some reason? Mailed in physical documents.. did it through docusign.. TWO WEEKS AGO.

Nothing. I can certify but payments arent posting.

As a last ditch effort, I search around on Reddit and find this. I figure, hell, why not let me give it a shot. I do the ID scan, the face scan.. and it says I’m verified! If the 48-72hr timeline is accurate like everyone here is saying it is, I would be so happy!! I’ll keep y’all posted!
@nickgrundy Agree! I finally gave in on waiting for edd and updates. I clicked on the link myself on id.me and was verified in a few minutes. I did not have any problems. Now just waiting on edd.
@nickgrundy Ok so I’ve been going thru the process on ID.me with this link that’s been floating around. It excepted my ID, Face scan, and social but the moment it tried using my phone number to verify my identity it said if I had a different number that I used in the past with my information. I think it checks your credit with your phone number but thing is I don’t have any credit cards cause I’m a college student. So now i got an error code and it stopped verifying me and I didn’t give me the option to talk to a referee or anything. I contacted the help services but all it did was send me an email that I will be contacted with help with a ticket number. So now Idk if I just made a big mistake and I should close the account or wait for the help. Just wanted to post for the people who plan on using the link cause it’s different on everybody.

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