[California] Update & 1st Certification Date w/ $300 Extended Benefits

$300 Extended Benefits

Start Date: Dec 27th, 2020
End Date: Mar 14th, 2021

Unemployment Type
Update ETA (Actual Date)
1st Certify Date

Regular UI (01/03)
01/02-01/03 (01/03)

Regular UI (01/10)
01/09-01/10 (Call to Update)
01/10, 01/17 or 01/24

PUA *Updated
01/09-01/10 (Call to Update)
01/10, 01/17 or 01/24

PEUC *Updated
01/09-01/10 (Call to Update)
01/10, 01/17 or 01/24

FED-ED “On Extension” *Updated
01/09-01/10 (Call to Update)
01/10, 01/17 or 01/24

01/02-01/03 (01/03)

For the people that might misunderstand what I mean by “Regular UI”, it’s basically Unemployment that is not PUA, PEUC, or FED-ED w/ “On Extension”.

The people on Regular UI had everything updated by 01/03, which was their first certification date that would have included the extra $300. They were able to certify on time they received their $300 extra benefits and regular state benefits on time as well.

This means PUA, PEUC, and FED-ED w/ “On Extension” people shouldn’t worry until 01/10. The bill was signed on 12/27/2020, so your 1st certification date is 01/10 which will include the $300 extra for the week of 01/02 and 01/09.

They updated the Regular UI people’s claim first as they were first to certify on 01/03 and it was done on time. All other programs (PUA, PEUC, FED-ED w/ “On Extension”) should see similar results on when everything will be updated. They have till 01/10, so it would only be fair to give them time especially with the short time they have to update millions of cases.

Unless you were specifically told to reapply, you should not start a new claim as they will automatically update your claim by the first certification date just like they did for people on Regular UI on 01/03.

Don’t try to expedite something when before the actual date. There is still 2 days left as I am writing this.

If you call them, they will not have an answer for you.

If you have a suspended claim, or anything fraud related, you will still be able to certify, but will not get paid until you complete the verification process.
@complexsimpleton This is correct just went and read through the bill and just logically it makes the most sense.

Don’t blame edd or state.

Blame the president and his tantrum that achieved nothing but a shit ton of golf playing and signing the new bill late causing a lapse to the people struggling.

If you voted for him this (if not a lot of warning signs lately) is when he fucked the middle and lower class the hardest.
@iampauluk Yep, can’t blame EDD. Also can’t really blame Trump tbh. McConnell and Pelosi were playing politics for 6 months while people couldn’t pay bills, buy food, etc. I kind of feel bad for Trump, but oh well. Now that Biden is President and Democrats will control Senate, we should expect a boost in the weekly benefits and more stimulus checks :).
@complexsimpleton Yup and as much as I agree I didn’t see him off the golf course trying to change his demands. He stated his demands and waited. He wanted to look like the champion for people when he had numerous drafts of the bill pass his desk and has people working for him to read and tell him what’s in it. I do agree it’s those two but trump knew what he was doing. Both sides are corrupt and don’t give a fuck but hopefully the next 4 years will be different.... Biden isn’t much better but if the people hold him and Harris to their promises the last year I think we’ll have a brighter future then the one we’ve seen displayed this last few weeks. Good luck everyone, I really hope we all see some good news ASAP because this is heartbreaking to see how many are suffering, especially those with kids, elderly parents or medical issues. This is the us government shining at its best 🙄🙄🙄
@iampauluk But it’s kind of messed up that McConnell and them would add unnecessary things in the bill because they knew Trump would have no choice but to sign. They thought Trump wouldn’t go through 92929291919 pages of the bill and I think we both can agree that $98 million for the Senate to buy Furniture that they were trying to get passed along with other unnecessary things is f’d up. This is the only reason I have some sort of respect for Trump because it’s really not him, but it’s others making him look this way. I thought the $98 million for Senate to furniture was a joke, but it’s there and as real as it gets.
@complexsimpleton Oh 100% agree. The government is so messed up. They really don’t care about the people in this country and the way the last year has gone of massive city, state and nationwide issues is glaring to all of us.
@complexsimpleton But Mnuchin has been in on negotiations the whole time and was said by the Trump admin to be the voice of Trump. Dems wanted $2,000 payments from the beginning and you're talking about the OMNIBUS bill not the extension of unemployment and stimulus payments. McConnell purposefully brpught both bills to the floor the same day to cause confusion. All the "extra things" Trump objected to were in the OMNIBUS bill not the stimulus package, Unfortunately I think this is a case of everyone failing and Trump making it worse by not following the negotiations at all until they dropped a bill on his desk and then him wanting to look like the hero. If he had just signed it when he got it and actually listened to his briefings and advisors on what was happening in the negotiations we wouldn't be here. Trump just operates on a stomping around demanding things agenda but refuses to put in any work or listen to anyone with more experience or knowledge on certain issues. It's infuriating to watch anyone give him credit when he is directly responsible for this. This doesn't mean that many facets of govnt aren't also fucked up but Trump should not get any credit for this. Negotiations don't mean demand something, go golf, not participate in negotiations or follow negotiations, demand something that has already been negotiated for months at the 11th hour, screw over everyone. That's not a good faith negotiation.
@ernieleena OP is simply stating the fact that we could have got $450 much earlier if she had taken the deal. It happened but she took a gamble to get us $600 and ended up backfiring. $450 would’ve been nice, but what can you do it is what it is. Also I’m almost certain OP isn’t a Trump supporter I actually found this post after I saw his/her funny af Trump/Biden meme or whatever you guys call it. Trump/Biden FUNNY AF
@pramod_koshy You do know Pelosi admitted that she messed up. I’m on Pelosi’s side but McConnell did offer $450/week in unemployment much before December when everyone needed it. She declined that offer and ended up having no choice but to do this $300 deal. As much as I do support her, she didn’t do her job. But as I said she admitted it and apologized, no one is perfect.
@complexsimpleton No. That is not all and its not true. And it doesn't take into consideration the whole bill. You are narrowly focused on unemployment. She is not the bad guy here, the reason you got extended unemployment at all is because she went to bat time after time.

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