[California] To withhold taxes from the weekly $600 FPUC payment, where do I send form W-4 V (voluntary withholding request)?


New member
I’d like to withhold taxes from the weekly $600 payment, which should be possible via the W-4 V form. But where do I send it?? (I’m located in San Francisco).

Link to IRS site about W-4 V

Also, where do I find my “claim or identification number”? (Line 4 of the W-4 V form) Sorry if the answer is obvious, I’ve searched my EDD account online and can’t find it.

Or should I just give up on this form and plan ahead to pay back the taxes next year. Thoughts?

Apologies in advance if this topic has already been covered- I searched the sub but didn’t find anything about this form. Edit: Oops- just noticed someone posted about this topic 12 days ago... but it wasn't really answered so I guess I'll leave mine up? Mods feel free to remove of course. (There's also this post which isn't in the unemployment sub but touches on the same topic.)
@jamielw83 you can check to withhold taxes automatically on the regular UI when you certify

Since the extra $600 is ending anyway in a month I wouldn't bother holding on that if its complicated and just plan to pay the tax next year
@mrpenguin I opt to withhold taxes from my weekly unemployment benefits every time I certify, but taxes are only withheld from the unemployment benefit amount, not from the $600. You do bring up a good point about the payments ending in a month though, I hadn’t thought about that 🤦. Probably not worth the fuss. Thanks for the reminder!

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