[CALIFORNIA] So i got this in the email and i got an extension noticed sl is this what yall needed to wait for?

@hey_dude777 no i didnt refile my BYE ends in may 15. but thats the thing tho ,will that claim balance of 8k carry over when i refile???? how does the refile process work? it seems so contrary to what they want you to do... 2 bofa cards?? get rejected the 1st time? idk about all that
@dhay20 If I were you, I will keep certify till your bye. If after May 15, your certification goes to pending and stays there more then a day, call and find out the reason. I am thinking you don't need to refile especially it is federal money they are paying you. But call after May 15.
@dhay20 Oh, yeah, you don't need to refile, however, just to be safe, when you certify coming week, if it goes to paid normal time frame, that is good. But if it stays on pending, call and find out what cause it. If you have to file, ask the reps to check your account. If you didn't make money, do it with reps so you can bypass the review and etc.
@dhay20 I refiled when my bye hit 3/29 and I got the same email. I’m able to certify tomorrow for the last two weeks. Balance still $0/old info, how about you? Maybe it’ll change tomorrow, or after certifying

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