[California] Renters in U.S. cannot be evicted through the end of the year due to coronavirus, CDC order states

@resjudicata No it’s dii oh isn’t protect you from immediate retaliation but it gives you a damn good case when you take them to court and sue them.

There’s no reason to be on bad terms with a landlord in this situation unless your landlord has always been a piece of trash. In that case you get more ammo. Too many people let others bully them into thinking they have no rights. They cannot blast music. They cannot intimate you with you having to face consequences. If they do call the police.

If your landlord does anything to retaliate against you. Go straight to the legal aid society. Record every incident. Keeps copies of everything you’ve legally done to be exempt from being evicted during Covid. Do not let jerks bully you. Know your rights by heart and be ready to defend them.

I’m not going to continue to go back and forth with you about hypotheticals.

There are laws for a reason. It’s funny how quickly people back down when you remind them of what they are and that they can’t pull one over you.
@asker The moratorium only exists for renters that are living in government subsidized housing. It’s not for renters that are privately renting from a landlord nor any other complex that isn’t considered government housing!
@asker better read the fine print. Its totally full of stipulations and conditions and you need to do footwork. LALATE on youtube breaks it down
@asker Its great that they cant be evicted, but they're going to get evicted down the road with the federal government pissing in citizens cheerios thinking the executive order is enough.

Ask any unemployed california resident how much 300 x 5 is going to help them. that doesnt even cover rent.

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