[California] Regular UI balance UPDATED, HOW TO GET PENDING TO PAID


New member
ID.ME verification phase, because im sure ill get lots of questions about that.... All I did was on my iphone 10, take a picture of my ID, and scan my face and it was done in 5 minutes. After that I was verified and I went from pending to paid in 3 days.

There is a huge misconception out there that EDD is helping everyone submitting these extensions / doing stuff for us for out of the kindness of their hearts.....

DO NOT BELIEVE THE EDD WHEN THEY SAY IT WILL BE FILED AUTOMATICALLY! They are not being submitted or processed! As many of you are finding out YOU HAVE to call EDD to get your new claim extended.... I was told just like you by EDD in that stupid letter that there is going to be some magical update that will fix everything on the 22nd...... Just like everything else during this entire process you have to do this yourself....

Only a tier 2 specialist can update your Claim after your UI claim balance is 0..... I suspect people on PEUC/FED-ED that still arent getting paid have to ALSO call to get their extension... After I called and asked to get my unemployment extended she asked a few questions and told me it may take up to 2 weeks to process which is alarming because literally EVERYDAY counts / I cant imagine what others are going through... actually I can I check reddit daily.

We cannot assume these monsters will do anything for us anymore. Months and months of waiting on deals, xy and z.... Im fed up.

Just call them and demand your account be extended. This money is ours and im tired of paying taxes and literally fighting for my life to get benefits.

There are many videos on youtube or guides on reddit on how to get ahold of a rep, just keep calling. Dont lose hope!!!!!!!!!!! Here to answer questions because I just want to help

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