[CALIFORNIA] Problems with Identity Verification


New member
I’ve been having massive issues with getting a hold of someone to help me out so if anyone has any advice please let me know.


3/23: Filed for reduced hours for unemployment (got furloughed a week later)

(throughout this time I call unemployment and can’t get through, I also received 0 documents about my claim)

4/27: Finally get through to someone who said my claim doesn’t exist, it was practically thrown out because someone has my SSN. I refile via phone (officially unemployed due to covid not reduced hours) with an edd employee, he confirms it’s filed and i’ll be receiving paperwork in the mail soon.

4/30: Received mail that my claim was officially filed.

5/5: Received mail asking to send in documents confirming my identity - I send in copies of my drivers license and W-2 form - and also writing my SSN on both. I send it out same day.

(Never received an EDD account number to even log into my account)

6/10: I get through and ask question about my identity and employee tells me they’ll put me on a call-back list and for someone from the identity department to call me back within 3 days. (they never do)

(6/19) Finally get through again with a different number for technical account issues and ask for my account number and account status update. Employee tells me they’re still waiting to confirm my identity but he cannot help me anymore other than provide my account information. He gives me two different numbers to the identity and accounting department cause they’re the ones who would have more information on my paperwork etc.

Currently: I can never get through the numbers he gave me. I called more than 50 times after he gave me the numbers that friday. today i woke up at 7:30am and called over 50 times starting around 7:57 and still nothing.

I am now 3 months with no income and even though work officially asked me to come back this upcoming friday, i’m not going to give up because this is money i’ve paid into with taxes. I’ll still try and call everyday as long as I can - but if anyone has had any success in getting through, please let me know.
@resjudicata the only thing that helps ease my mind is this sub cause i see so many people in my situation and people who have been waiting longer than i have, which is super unfortunate. This experience sucks and I hate that it’s easier for some rather than most. We’ll get our money !!!
@orvillejparker omg this is absolutely crushing to read, i applied 5/07 received 1 payment , my claim processed, haven't had any requests for more info, and yet 5 weeks of certification is sitting on received/pending and 0 payments for over 30 days. I have senator and multiple offices reaching out on my behalf, and 0 response from anyone having anything to do with EDD, i was hoping this would get resolved soon and then i come on and see your situations are 2 months ahead of mine and no resolution and crushed all my hope of getting money soon.
@orvillejparker I’m in the same boat. Applied 3/19 and I’m still waiting for my documents to be verified. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone that can actually help me. It’s so frustrating.
i’m not going to give up because this is money i’ve paid into with taxes.

You shouldn't give up!

because this is money i’ve paid into with taxes.

Incorrect. Regular UI is paid solely by the Employer, based on the company's payroll size and Claims Paid on behalf of his former Employees.

If you're talking about PUA, then that's a separate Federal program fund -- and we haven't started paying for it just yet. Our kids might get to it, tho.

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