[california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

@joseppi Has anyone exhausted all their UI and PEUC claim? I have read about the FED-ED which provides an additional 20 weeks of benefit. Is anyone here receiving this benefit yet?
@darthmum It’s automatically filed for you but unlike PEUC, you’ll need to make 40x your WBA or 1.5 of your claim balance in your highest earning base period.

And yes, it’s for reg UI only. Not for PUA.
@resjudicata That’s weird cause my benefit year ends on the 10/31. But Fed Ed 20 weeks give me til 12/26.

You may need to call EDD. Cause if the state unemployment rate still high, Fed Ed can be extended up to 99 weeks. I’m not saying to stay on for that long but it’s tough time now for many job seekers.
@tjthouhid interesting. Are you getting the same amount per week or did they reduce it past the benefits year? I was hoping for it to extend through the end of this year. I'll give them a call and see what's up.
@tjthouhid WBA is $450

Reg UI - $11,700

PEUC - $ 5,850

Fed Ed - $9,000 (now $8,100 due to 2 weeks paid out today)

ON extension until 11/17/2020 (not 11/13 - sorry )

I'll give them a ring since I called a couple days ago and the lady said she would escalate it to a specialist so I wonder if this is the result of the specialist taking a look at my claim or just an automatic..

EDIT - I guess I'm at 20 weeks too? I thought it would be $18,000 for all 20 weeks?

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