[california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

@joseppi LOL. I was mistakenly put in Phase 2. My ex co-worker (we both work in restaurants and lost our jobs due to COVID obviously) already got her phase 2 money. Here I am waiting on this $600 that I should've gotten last week, while she's already gotten $900. What a joke. People are right to be anxious about phase 2 since CA EDD is an expert at screwing things up. Be worried and afraid people. Very afraid.
@joseppi Hello and thank you for doing this, my questions is regarding the pop up message that appears when you try to certify for weekly benefits. I was informed about my claim from (date to date) will be expired soon and to certify for some extended program and that even if I’m denied those benefits will kick in automatically.
But I still have a balance for my current claim.

My question is do I wait for that to run out before I start a new claim or start it now while instill have a balance on my claim?

@joseppi I’m on my last bi weekly certification, I’m freaking out cuase I still can’t find work. Once that last check come in what do I do or what options do I have?
@joseppi Thank god for these though, I’d be jumping off a bridge with no information. Also, people like my household need that weekly 200 and depend bills based on its arrival. So my freak out I’m gonna validate.
@joseppi You’re not “knocking anyone”? But you still feel the need to post on Reddit about phase 2 folks? Nobody has to clear jack with you, regarding what they post or ask on Reddit. Chill on your authoritative mindset.
@astievia Wow calm down! I’m phase 2 , and searching repeatedly for any info and posts about new information. I made a suggestion and gave out info : which is that THERE ISN’T ANY INFO. Also to let people know we can hope for an update tomorrow . I’m not trying to dictate anything. Nor am I being rude . Sending you hugs and kisses
@joseppi I am calm. You’re the one that felt the need to come on Reddit and manifest your own paranoia about the phase 2 payments. Why add more stress by telling people not post or ask about a certain aspect of LWA? Just chill, nobody asked your opinion if people should post about the phase 2 payments or not. Try posting some positive or insightful info about the LWA, instead of using your own fears to try to dissuade others from asking questions about the LWA phase 2 payments. Being unemployed, we all are going through a lot.
@nzen That’s the problem with Reddit. Just because some one doesn’t agree with your opinion or gives another point of view, your a psycho. I’m sure this will make you feel better at the end of the day. I guess the whole “I’m so cool” mentality still exists after high school.
@joseppi you are not going like this it looks like i be blunt rude and even selfish telling you this. i am in phase 1 and haven't gotten mines an i behind on bills just like a lot of ppl so f what you got to say. most ppl are going thru a whole lot and if that means they come on here relive some stress or having to vent out i am all for it. its the human element to be empathic to others. it looks like u can skip by if you dont like reading it. however there is good ppl on this site that have helped ppl out with positivity and just hearing things will be better. i wish everyone the best hope thing thing ends soon take care god bless

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